Elven World Healing Arts: GridWorker & Geo Artists, Sacred Geome

GridWorkers & GeoArtists, Sacred Geometry Nature inspired poetry, dance & song

Witch Gif - Gif Abyss

Hello Everyone!

I hope you are enjoying the Ostara season and all that Spring brings to us. We are reforming the ElvenWorld site so that it will reflect your needs as a creator and as a member of the community of those with Celtic indigenous ancestry such as Tuatha de Danann or Druidic and those who identify as a relation, on any dimension as well as mentorship in the Celtic Healing Arts. By "we" I mean Vlada, our new Administrator/Creative Director and me, Founder/Author.

Mostly Vlada. So thank you, Vlada.

I am really looking forward to you developing your work in the (multidimensional) Healing Arts -- as has been the way for tens of thousands of years. If you need help with your personal page or artwork please speak up, but overall I hope you will use your gifts and share your art and use this as an avenue to heal and grow. By Healing Arts, I mean: music, art of every kind such as fine art, dance, song, lyrics, poetry, stories and all creations especially those we might call "geo art" such as placing of stones in rivers and streams, meadows, mountains, creating gardens, animal care, herbalism and more. Healing Arts are of utmost importance in our expression of our humanity. Healing arts also include such practices as astrology, reiki and straight up...

                                                                             m a g I c  

We will also be cleaning up our membership - from people who have not been here for some time. So if you wish to participate please do drop a line in to the site and make a post or something so we know you're still there. Or you an always rejoin. Yes, tell your friends and creators.

If you can, I would really love to know how you feel on these subjects. Just respond by email copying these questions and gracing me with your fantastic answers, since I know they will be so interesting to read and helpful to understand.  Feel free to include some of these points in your self description on your page too. 

Most of these area yes or no questions for time's sake but please feel free to detail more about your response because I will read them all. 

Your name here in this membership: 

a. Are you interested in animal totem and animal symbolism? (feel free to detail why) 

b. Are you interested in posting more about your spiritual path and healing arts on your page ?

c.  Which of the healing arts do you most enjoy in your practice?

d. Do you feel a multidimensional understanding of reality?

e. Do you have questions or need assistance in self understanding or seek a qualified mentor?

f. Are you interested in shamanism?  Druidism?

g. Are you interested in the tarot and collective Celtic tarot card reading?

h. Do you read Elven or Otherkin fiction or non fiction? What do you like most about it? 

i. Do you consider yourself a "Starseed" or similar (from another world)? 

j. Are you interested in teaching Druidic magic or other healing arts? If so, does, your page reflect where to learn more from you?

k. Anything else you feel I should know or that you'd like to make this place awesome?

Finally, I want to make sure the Elven World Adventure stories are available to everyone. Let me know if you prefer hardcopy, audio or video or how to make them accessible to you for your spiritual entertainment.

These are NOT qualifying questions for membership by any means!

I am just curious since we will be consolidating and reforming groups for you to join to learn more and helping to promote your page as well as providing more of your interest for your engagement. 

Thank you for being here and we look forward to hearing from you! 

Peace in Wisdom


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I LOVE Enya!! <3  Okay, I hope to answer these questions here!

a. Are you interested in animal totem and animal symbolism? (feel free to detail why) 

Animals do come to me and get my attention sometimes (lately it is a lizard and white owl), and as an herbalist I would say plants come to me more often (lately Elm and Albizia).  But it is not via "totemism" because I see that as being different.

b. Are you interested in posting more about your spiritual path and healing arts on your page?

I believe I already have - but I will tell you some updates are necessary, and it is only because we are going through a tremendous change.  After nearly 20 years, we are changing our name from Tie eldalieva the Elven Spiritual Path, to the Way of Arda's Lore.  We are doing this for more than a few reasons, of which I will be updating my page rather soon!

c.  Which of the healing arts do you most enjoy in your practice?

As an Usui Reiki Master with a short lineage back to Usui himself, and a trained Herbalist and experienced Flower Essences Practitioner (and have created flower essence mother tinctures using Astrology), I would say that energy healing is a huge part of my work and my being!

d. Do you feel a multidimensional understanding of reality?

Short answer: YES!  More fully awakened to this in 1993 and it has only grown more vast in understanding how very expanded and involved it is and that in our current form we could never comprehend all of it!

e. Do you have questions or need assistance in self understanding or seek a qualified mentor?

Not at this time.

f. Are you interested in shamanism?  Druidism?

As comparative study, yes - and I have already learned much from these.

g. Are you interested in the tarot and collective Celtic tarot card reading?

I am amongst other things a professional astrologer and tarot/oracle reader.

h. Do you read Elven or Otherkin fiction or non fiction? What do you like most about it? 

I am usually a non-fiction reader - with the exception of the works of JRR Tolkien, which was inspired by my husband (now on the other side of the veil) and I am forever grateful!

i. Do you consider yourself a "Starseed" or similar (from another world)? 

Yes, there is a Lyran origin story here - and I am aware of my "mission" to the degree that I need to be at this time, of which they tell me I cannot really talk about or focus on in this dimension.  I tend to work better when I am asleep and I guess that is what I am supposed to do, and not remember. Well, okay then! :-D

j. Are you interested in teaching Druidic magic or other healing arts? If so, does, your page reflect where to learn more from you?

At this time, I am teaching on other platforms, and anyone can reach out to me to discover where I am at any given time.

k. Anything else you feel I should know or that you'd like to make this place awesome?

Thank you for making this available Tara and Vlada <3 I want to let all of you know that if you discover a better and more economical platform for inter-connecting, I am all for it!  I recommend NOT to use something like Facebook because you cannot reference older material easily at all.  It is decent for news but doesn't reach everyone due to deliberate algorithms and they want money to reach your own people.  Something like Substack is usually set up like a blog or newsletter delivery and replaces Medium or Wordpress but limits interaction.  I found this link for alternatives to Ning - and scroll below for a couple other options to explore, some free!  If it is about a way to connect live in community, we pay $8 a month for Google Meet, but Jit.si is a pretty decent free alternative and is easier than something like Discord to manage for people who are not gamers!  I hope my responses help Tara!  I look most forward to what is Elven World 2.0 <3  (Lisa)

Thank-you Calantirniel for your thoughtful responses to Tara's questions, I hope she reads them and gains better insight to what shes aiming for to unfold within this site..

Thank you Calantirniel !  I love this and all you are doing with tarot and herbalism. there are many people who would be interested in your work with the Tolkien so please keep us updated on your page and I look forward to it. As always I am here on the email, too. Love, Tara 

Oh - thank you Tara and Vlada!  I am glad my responses were helpful, and I look forward to seeing what you do in the future!  And as you know, we are going through a tremendous change this Spring!  A name change that was 19 years in coming!

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Multi Dimensional Reality

The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament"  or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.

A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
 the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...

Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.

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