Soul Star Travelers of Elven World

Soul Star Travelers of Elven World, Magick of Tuatha de Danann

Ascension Activations For You ! By Susan Shumsky ... And ... Remembering Who You Truly Are By Shanta Gabriel ... And ... All You Think & Put Into Action Is Now Being Tripled In Intensity

Ascension Activations For You !

By Susan Shumsky

Here's a wonderfully uplifting guided video meditation by one of my mentors, Susan Shumsky, with activations that take you into deep communion with your Divine Self & The Ascended Masters. Enjoy with Infinite Blessings of Divine Love, Light, & Abundance,

Steven Hutchinson

Partial Transcript:

We are all being lifted right now into the Light of our Divine Self...into the Light of the Creator. Let's all take a big deep breath together of relaxation...of Divine Peace....of Divine Love.

We now know & recognize that there is only one power in the universe and in our lives - the Light & Love of God...and the power of The Creator !

The Light of God surrounds & enfolds us...and the Power of God protects us. And we allow ourselves to merge with this Divine Love & Light now...we now merge with our Divine Self - the Creator within us. There is now separation now between us & God.

We now call forth into our sacred space all of the beautiful Beings of Light helping mankind...the Ascended Masters....the angels & Archangels, the Elohim, the Chohans of the Rays, the energies of the Crystalline Kingdom & the Elemental Kingdom, & the Goddess vibrations.

We ask these beautiful beings to lift us to an ascension vibration or better...and increase our vibrations & Light quotient...and purify all of our bodies in the Violet Flames...lifting us into beautiful ascension vibrations together.

We ask these beautiful Beings to help us transform our physical bodies into Light Bodies...into Crystalline Bodies.

Let's take another deep breath now....breathe in...and let it go, and let there be no pause between your in-breath & out-breath.

We now visualize a beautiful Golden Sphere above us filled with Divine Love & Light. And a Golden Ray of Divine Light is now beaming down from the sphere & permeating our entire body....increasing our vibrations....and healing our physical bodies....and lifting our physical body into a Sun of the Creator....lifting, lifting, lifting us into higher vibrations....transforming our physical body into a Light Body.

And we allow ourself to feel and experience the joy of this beautiful ascension Light as we continue our deep and regular breathing.

Affirm: I Am The Resurrection & The Light ! I Am Perfection Everywhere Now ! I Am Perfection Here Now ! I Am The Ascension Here Now! I Am The Ascension Now !

So with Divine Gratitude in our heart, we come forth from this meditation knowing that we keep with us these higher vibrations in our daily lives.

Now visualize you are blowing out with deep breaths a series of candles until you are ready to open your eyes.

Then let's affirm out loud: I Am Alert. I Am Awake. I Am inwardly & outwardly balanced. I Am The Only Authority in my life. I Am Divinely Protected by The Light of my Being. Thank You God ! And So It Manifests! Thank You God ! And So It Is !

Video - "Ascension Activations For You ! By Susan Shumsky"

Remembering Who You Truly Are

By Shanta Gabriel

This powerful insight from Archangel Gabriel reminds us to honor our true self in everyday circumstances. As we do this, we not only shine our Light to the world, we raise our frequencies so we can thrive in our lives.

The Gabriel Message Card for this Week

Accept that you are a Radiant Spirit of Light who is growing stronger every day in patterns of wholeness and truth.

Shanta Gabriel's Message .....

It seems to me that most of us are very critical of ourselves. Have you noticed this? Honestly, if riding myself unmercifully could have brought me into a perfected state, I would have been there long ago.

There are some real difficulties with this type of behavior, some more obvious than others. The most important aspect for me is that it lowers my vibrational frequency to think in negative ways. My intention at this time is to create as high a frequency as possible, because it is from this level that opportunities become obvious and miracles occur.

We just cannot afford to allow ourselves to sink into the old forms of stinkin' thinkin.' We don't have time for that. Especially when we are in this powerful new life, where unlimited possibility exists in the quantum fields around us. It is our thoughts and the feelings they create that attract all the Beauty and Well-being that we need to be happy.

We also don't deserve to be treated with less than love and compassion. We need to go out of our way to see our inherent value and recognize the many gifts we have that make our contribution important to the world. No one has the specific talents and gifts that we have been given, and this makes us especially unique and valuable.

I spent most of my life trying to be a chameleon who fit into whatever color someone else wanted me to be. Have you tried that? It does not work. Did you hear about the chameleon who continuously changed colors to be what others wanted him to be? He thought it was working until the day he crawled onto plaid. The moral of the story is, trying to please everyone can make you feel crazy!

Each of us has the radiant spark of God's Light within us and is following the soul's impulse to grow and become our most True, Divine and Authentic self. This is who we came on Earth to be, and this is who we truly are.

We are here to blend our human qualities with our most Divine gifts so that we can be a bridge between Heaven and Earth. The whole being that we are becoming has been called Homo Luminus — a human being of Light.

We each have moments when we can see our true essence and sit in the wonder of that. Most of the time we end up caught in our daily life and we let the truth of those moments slip away. This lowers our frequency, and we start to look at ourselves in less than compassionate ways again.

We need to acknowledge and honor those moments of true clarity and remember that we are a growing, evolving being of Light coming back to our center of balance. We want to raise our vibrational frequency so we can be more resourceful and happy.

Remember how important it is to love and accept all aspects of yourself so you can feel encouraged to grow and thrive in the fullness of your being. Treat yourself with the compassion you would give to a tiny kitten and know how blessed you are to be on Earth right now. You are unique, you are valuable and you are truly loved.

Divine Presence,

May I truly realize how much I have grown and changed in beautiful heart-centered ways. May I honor the new patterns of Well-being I have established within me so my life can be a reflection of this spiritual quality active in the world.

Help me to open my mind and heart to see the radiant spirit within myself and all beings on the planet. Fill me with the Courage I need to thrive in these shifting dimensional frequencies so I can anchor more Love and Light within me, as well as the world.

Thank you for creating an opening to new levels of Freedom, Empowerment and Joy in my life, as well as in the lives of all of humanity. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel

Video - "Embody & Harmonize With The Creator Within You"

The Gabriel Messages Book #37

Accept that you are a Radiant Spirit of Light who is growing stronger every day in patterns of wholeness and truth.

Archangel Gabriel's Message .....

Dear One,    

You are radiant spirit. That is your essence, your connection to the God Source. This is the part of you that never dies, and lives in oneness with all that is, was and ever shall be. When you recognize the truth of your pure essence, and remember it, your daily life can take on a lighter quality. You will be able to look at each situation from a more expanded perspective.

Who you are is a wondrous being growing toward wholeness, peace within and joy-filled awareness.

Through this growth, you are finding there is an ultimate truth that runs like a strong current throughout your life. This truth leads you homeward to that place within you where God dwells eternally.

As you hold to this radiant truth, old patterns of thought begin to drop away. You respond more honestly to life in the moment, rather than reacting from old patterns of thought that no longer serve you. As fear and self-doubt cease to run your thinking processes, a radiant presence emerges  — your true self, the one who is in harmony with all life.

You are courageously moving toward the light that you know to be ultimate truth. You feel yourself growing stronger in the new patterns of thought you now embrace, thoughts that encourage love and peace within you.   

It is a time of profound change on the planet. You are recognizing the need to find the still, peaceful center within you to come back to when the world becomes tumultuous. Every day you receive glimpses of this place, so it becomes easier to access. You know that with practice and a clear intention to find peace within, this will occur.

Courageously you look beyond surface appearances of craziness in your world, and ask for the peace of God to be your only reality. As you do this, a new world opens  — a world where miracles become normal and the wings of Angels are ever present to enfold you in Divine Love.

Hold to this place of peace within you. Allow yourself to receive guidance and wisdom from the powerful light-filled Presence that is God working in your life, and know the truth of your message from Archangel Gabriel today:

Accept that you are a Radiant Spirit of Light who is growing stronger every day in patterns of wholeness and truth.

All You Think & Put Into Action Is Now Being Tripled In Intensity By Blossom Goodchild

Federation Of Light Message On Oct 28, 2018 .....

Good morning. Great excitement ensued after your last channelling about the Energy cubes. Shall we continue forth in the same vein?

Good moments of Joy throughout your day also, Blossom. The Energy surrounding the Energy cubes is indeed uplifting to the soul. (Here's the link to read more about the energy cubes - Federation Of Light Message On Oct 21, 2018)

For when we say we have tripled the amount being ‘sent through’ … you can also be aware of the fact that DUE TO THIS … all that you think and put into action is being tripled in its Vibrational intensity also. Therefore, it is most wise to be vigilant of all thoughts and feelings, for if one’s thoughts were not of the Highest for all … one may find themselves feeling completely out of sorts.

Be conscious of that which you offer in thought to yourself and all that is. If a thought does not ‘resound in one’s heart’s Truth’ simply because the way one maybe feeling in that moment … then be astute enough to recognise it instantly and CHANGE it into a thought that does. The thoughts that come from a Loving place to all/for all. You will very quickly recognise in your own ‘space’ the lift in Vibration of your own soul, by doing so.

I have to say, I am enjoying these Energies and MY thought patterns seem to have ‘upped’ a good few rungs of the ladder. Much more natural thoughts of Gratitude and things of the like, rather than having to ‘think to do them’ sometimes. They seem to be just flowing through my body.

Because, if you are thinking Gratitude … then that thought of Gratitude shall be tripled in its intent. ALL THOUGHTS SHALL BE TRIPLED IN THEIR INTENT. This is why many are ‘going through the mill’, as you would say … because thoughts of say, despair, or frustration, or anger, will be tripled in their intensity.

Best keep very vigilant then!

This is so. Yet, KNOW it is within Each One to BE OF LOVE. THAT IS WHO YOU ARE. So, just BE YOURSELF!

Yet, down here on this Planet, much of our ‘self’ has been ‘in’doctrinated with sadness and depression of ‘what is’.

Then ‘out’doctrinate those thoughts. You are all so much further along your pathway now. You are all so much more in alignment with your TRUE SELF. Therefore, you are all so much more aware of what serves and what does not.

If you choose to ‘wallow’ in untruths  … in fact, blatant lies … to sway you off course, then know that ‘wallowing’ will feel tripled in your Being. So, if you KNOW that is the case … why do it?

I don’t!

Hence your uplifted soul self!

Yet, with respect, I don’t live in a country that is very confused with the political state of affairs and what is taking place. Actually, aren’t all countries like that?  Yet, you know of which I speak. Therefore, people living in that ‘land of the free’… feel they are drowning and are in great disbelief and despair.

And that disbelief and despair has tripled in their soul’s Energy. Tripled! This is why we ask you to not become so involved in this side of things. For it is most uncertain as to who is doing what … for what purpose, is it not?

Probably. I don’t get involved! Yet, I understand that others feel the need to … for they feel their lives are not in their own hands.

Thank you. You took our lead. The fact is … their lives ARE in their own hands. If they were to remove their thoughts from the political mayhem and move onto a different ‘track’ … they would find their spirit tripled in thoughts of good and hopeful excitement.

There is SO very much to get excited about. May we suggest to you that all this backlash, all this confusion and unbelievable propaganda is designed to ‘keep you off track’? Off the track from your rightful journey. It is unbelievable! As it should not be believed. For so much of it is not of Truth. Your thoughts are swayed one way or another in a whirlwind of  thought provoking turmoil. This, Dearest Souls … DOES NOT SERVE YOU!

Do you wish for these ‘tricks’ to see out their intention? Of course not. Therefore …





Now, in these times … when you ‘make the effort' to do so … you will come across a ‘different you’. As you said earlier, Blossom … The LOVE and Gratitude within you is ‘working for itself’… now.

And I have to say it feels so perfect … so nice … so right … So Peaceful and Joyous. I could go on yet, I won’t.

We ask you not to ‘fall’ into these traps. You are better than that. You are stronger than that.

We’re sure you recall that we have said you are the ‘Strongest of the Strong’? You are upon this Planet to change it … to see this GRAND TRANSFORMATION take place.

You who were chosen are accomplishing this in such a Divine way. KNOW THIS.

Again, when we say, KNOW THIS … KNOW IT deep in your heart and that KNOWING shall be tripled in its KNOWING. Within that knowledge therefore, more strength builds. Strength of KNOWING TRUTH.

Can I ask if the blocks of Energy will at some point be quadrupled?

 Oh indeed, yes. Yet, not for a while. We feel this is wise.

How is it gauged as to when?

By the binaural Codes changing rapidly.

Eh?  Doesn’t binaural have to do with the ears?

Yes. And we stand by that which we have just said.

And … we’re off! Please continue.

Your Beings are, as you know, of highly physically, emotionally charged Energy. As this Coded Energy continues to flow onto/through your Planet, you will notice a change of a high degree taking place within your physicality, also. For it is being ‘Heightened and Lightened’.

You are Light in /of Essence and it is Light Coding that is coming through. We explained of the Coding forever changing within you and within the Energy ‘cubes’. As our thoughts become tripled in Lightness, the Light Coding from the Codes corresponds.

This Light Coding then takes its place, once reaching a particular frequency and alters the tuning of the physical physique. Not only on the outwardly physical appearance, yet, much fine tuning will be taking place on the working WITHIN.

Sensory perceptors, for instance … the ears … will ‘start’ to pick up other worldly attunements. They will also, become acutely noise sensitive …as many are beginning to discover already.

Many of your little Beings coming into the Planet now, are already ‘tuned in’ to these Higher Energies and they find it very difficult to be within loud noise. Their sensoria are very sensitive.

You will notice that your eyes begin to see a ‘clearer LIGHT of day’. Same scene, yet, looking different. Your touch, when touching certain things of a Higher Vibration, i.e., flowers, water etc. … shall FEEL very different to you, as if you can feel all the elemental Energies that is their makeup.

Such wonders shall fill your soul. It is happening already.


Switch off your television screens and switch on your sensors. Make an effort to remove yourself from negativity and move yourself into nature. Walk instead of talk. Think instead of drink!

What? Indulge me if you would.

Certainly, Blossom. Many souls’ talk for the sake of talking. That which comes out of their mouths is not always of the Highest Vibration for the Higher good. Instead, it is so much more beneficial to take a walk in nature … and don’t talk … just listen to the wisdom of the trees and the flowers. Listen to the stories carried in the winds.

And the ‘Think instead of drink?’ I feel you are aware that I went to see the movie ‘A Star is born’ last night? Drinking being the downfall of the leading man.

This is so.

And yet, many need to drink. It helps them relax, switch off and escape.

Exactly. Escape from what?

Pressures.  It just helps one to wind down at the end of a busy day.

And there is nothing wrong with that. Yet, are we not correct in surveying that many have had, as you would say ‘ just that one too many’ and it therefore, defeats the entire process of a wind down?

Oh yes. I know many a soul who feels that way. That’s why I gave it up 14 years ago!

We are not saying not to drink. We are not saying NOT to do anything that one feels they would like to do. Yet, we would reiterate the tripling effect. One glass of alcohol in these times … is equivalent to three and due to the raising of one’s vibration … it takes very little for one to be effected by it. 

These are not ‘must do’s’ … These are suggestions to assist you in your ‘expansion’.

It’s most odd you mention alcohol. Unlike you to bring up such a topic.

And yet, again we would say to be vigilant of your wellbeing. Maybe we will talk about this in more detail another time.

It is important in these days of yours, to treat yourself well. It will make a marked difference.

Well, I think many, many souls are getting on board THAT train. I feel many of us would be very interested in you giving us your perspective on the subject.

As with all our correspondence, Dearest Blossom, we TRUST that what we are offering assists Each One along their journey … in ways of understanding WHO THEY ARE. For when THAT is understood  our mission is complete!

Many thanks as always, Guys! In Gratitude, In Loving service … I AM.


Make every day a HAPPY HUMAN DAY!

Please revisit The Invocation 'We are the Game Changers' whenever the mood takes you ... to keep the Energy as HIGH as we can.

The link to be able to access all my YouTubes is

Video - "Let Yourself Recieve The Creator's Grace & Blessings Through The Great Beings of Light" -


Views: 13

Multi Dimensional Reality

The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament"  or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.

A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
 the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...

Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.

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