The Art of Andrea Kowch

"The beauty that emerges from woundedness," O'Donohue noted, "is a beauty infused with feeling: a beauty different from the beauty of landscape and the cold beauty of perfect form. This is a beauty that has suffered its way through the ache of desolation until the words or music emerged to equal the hunger and desperation at its heart....

The Merry Wanderers

by Andrea Kowch

A few years ago I discovered the art of this lady and it inspired this poem....

The ever known glade


a bee she wore upon her dress

on the bodice of her pinaforeness

three daisies plucked

from silver green grass

this woman I saw, nae she was but a young lass

for on her face I witnessed such emotion

a longing perhaps, a sadness, devotion

on the hillside behind her, a grazing in green

two goats that weren't tethered, one eyeing the scene

this lass held the wisdom from many years far away

memories of patterns, yet to come into play

there was a path high above her, with a bend to the right

that cut out abruptly within her own sight

it led to the woodlands that couldn't be seen

if she entered, she knew, she would be her own dream

now back to the tree, two pipes I can see

one slightly hidden behind the other small tree

or is that the colour, brought about by the shade

the darkness perhaps, of that Ever Known Glade

there's always been two trees one bound to the earth

the other per chance a reflection of mirth

a clamour for succour, to understand self at long last

her father, Mr Clayborne, passed




June 2013

edit May 2024

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    We each are drawn to some works at the time because in some way we resonate with the artist, I can't remember how I was around this particular time as its way back now.  I note that when I read something I wrote ages ago I change in myself so I edit either an odd word or two, sometimes it's all hard to define, it's just a feeling quite subtle more often than not.

    When I started out with the last painting I did there was no intention other than using up some green paint that I put on the fairy picture.  The image through the brush strokes seemed to be awakening before my eyes and I was keen to follow the lines with my interpretation of the brush strokes...that's only happened once.  It's like I was guided and the rest followed with the stone, lake, sword, castle\tower on the hill 

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    ënagualí~ᏉLAᗪἇ ኔጡ።

    Yes but being drawn to a artists works because you resonate with the artists or their pictures is one thing interpreting them is another,that was the point I was trying to get across at least.

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    ahhhh ok