The Gael ~ Celtic Music ~ The Pan Celtic Festival

Musicians: Violaine Mayor, Joel Herrou, Jean Herrou, Mikaël Herrou, Lenn Derreumaux, Maëla Derreumaux, Silvan Derreumaux, Annaëlle Brossard, Jawen Laroche, Siobhan Buckley and her students, Elodie Autissier, Riwal Harjay, Yann-Yvon Dodeur.

Breizh Pan Celtic offers a Brittany-Ireland version of The Gael, the famous music from the film The Last of the Mohicans, composed by Dougie MacLean.

The Pan Celtic festival usually takes place each year in Ireland the week after Easter, and brings together representatives of all the Celtic nations for competitions and performances of Celtic music, song, dance and languages. The festival is canceled in 2022 for the third consecutive year due to health measures. We wish to testify by this video of our support and our attachment to the cultural exchanges between the Celtic countries, of which the harp is the prestigious heritage. Ancient and modern harps coexist here happily.

The Pan Celtic idea first originated in 1970, and the first Pan Celtic Festival was held in Killarney in 1971. Rapid development followed and the Pan Celtic International Organisation was formalised in 1973, with the adoption of the constitution. Pan Celtic is governed by an International Council, and 6 national committees. The International Council directs and co-ordinates the activities of Pan Celtic, it also decides the rules and conditions attached to the holding of festivals, approves venues and festival committees.

The main vehicle to promote the aims of Pan Celtic is the Annual Festival held the week following Easter each year.

Other events may also be held by individual committees.

Arising from Pan Celtic, a number of festivals and events have been either established or revived, such as: Kan ar Bobal in Brittany, Lowender Peran in Cornwall, Pan Celtic Reunion in Wales, and the revival of An Cruinneach in The Isle Of Man.

Pan Celtic is also pleased to have established strong ties with An tOireachtas, Ireland's premier Gaelic Festival, and Am Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail in Scotland. This co-operation has developed into a new Scottish/Irish Gaelic Organisation, under the title Comh-Nasg na nGael.

Pan Celtic & Celtic Cultural Trust Limited
Celtic Cultural Trust Limited was incorporated in 1997 following a decision of the Pan Celtic International Council, to set up the company.

Objectives of the festival

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