In the garden of you play an instrument or love gardening

rhododendron, picture taken May 30th ~ England by Julie

Link to Garden group at Soul Star Travellers

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    ënagualí~ᏉLAᗪἇ ኔጡ።

    Awesome Julie, love your photo as well,we are in full winder now, so not many flowers to photograph sadly only the narcissus daffodils that think its spring cos the ground temps are sill warm...loads of rain,so everything looks sodden.

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    thanks Vlada, lots of rain here too, I bring in lots of roses as the flowers get spoiled with all the rainfall.  It was a little warmer today and even sunshine this afternoon.

    The ferns in my garden are doing so well, they are lush and good for cutting to go with the roses in a bud vase.

    The apple tree that grows in the front garden is home for a nest....the blackbirds have been back and forth feeding their young, great to know the birds have found a good place where there is lots of cover, where they are protected from the cold winds we've been having lately.