
A group to share your own poetry and both modern and ancient poetry that you enjoy 

Poems of Nature

Pale Duck
We met you one day on the marina lake
a small brown duck as pretty as pretty can be
We were sitting outside on our boat
having our morning biscuit and drinking our tea
You had a brother, and a mother who was kind
I remember so clearly you were poetry defined
One day when we arrived at the boat
there was only you and your mum in a circle of light
I took a photo, it felt right
Years passed by, I saw you each time we arrived
you were my friend, I'm glad that you survived
You remain in that bright light dear Pale Duck
a spirit vision for all to see
I know that each time I look at your picture
your soul comes closer to me
22nd January 2024
photo by Julie 

Until Then

I've imagined the day, when we will walk on the shoreline together

It's nightfall, the in-between time

We're waiting to see the moon glinting on the navy ocean

Our feet crunch on the pebbles as we look out to the horizon

There's a slight breeze, the call of seabirds and anticipation

I'll know this moment when it arrives

I'll wait patiently until then


March 2024



We dipped our toes into the sea, cooling water, free

hermit crabs, wearing their shells like armour, it was we

A holiday for a lifetime, a perfect sonnet, a rhyme

welsh cakes with butter, sublime

Why did we love each other, we had talked about our mothers

the sea is our mother, our lover 

We walked through the dunes, licked ice creams

laughed like lunes

The magnetic pull of the ocean inside, swept us up, ride

our souls must be one, it's our story, we shone upon each tide

Filming, seeing, hearing, feeling the small frothy fronds of the sea

licked our toes clean of the sand, our land, our free


March 2024


A Meeting of Kin

Throughout the earth there came a bee of a sigh

eleven fairy maidens in the green they did lie

their fairy lovers flew low amongst the silvereen trees

 the eleven elven folk they melded with ease

It was a meeting of the elvish fairy kin

because the dear earth was in such a spin

plants were frozen tight amongst the thaw

'twas a very chilling time in the fairy law

What would become of the earth bound folks

who tilled the land, who told their jokes

a time would come where each would kyne

they'd all come together to partake the rhyme

Many had found their definitive places

what made their heart define their races?

so many souls were come to see

the elven fairy folks upon bended knees

Trees wore their shrouds upon their green

weeping was commonplace, each light grew dim

out of woods the fairies came, to shine their soul beams

so that earth could sigh happy within her dreams


December 2022

edited September 2024

Art by Meredith Dillman ~ Queen of Wands


Beyond the Sea

where the land lies beyond the sea

this magical journey taken deep within me

the sky is hard pewter, the colour of stone

nine enchanted trees guide me back home

the grass is rich purple, my soul it reflects

each tree is whitened with ageing respect

the pathway between shows me the way

 eastern sky take me into today

by night my voice sings low and full

my journey through life is driven, not dull

images and visions bear forth the fruit

as my inner musician strums on his lute

choices I make, reflect from within

forever my dear one, let the living begin

so maybe life is the chord, connected by stars

where sunlight melts snow and quickly discards

each never moment that begins with a smile

one foot forward, twelve inches one mile

spiralling down into our earth rich and fine

remember my angel that life is a rhyme



April 2012

edited Nov 2013

  • up


    The Mushroom Umbrella

    the magic of the mushoom, it keeps the gloom at bay

    whilst the faery of the meadow sits beneath it on this day

    her companion is the lily, it grows up and through the green

    it matches the sky with fortitude, the best it's ever seen

    the grass it grows with vigour, the softest cushion known

    a place to sit and ponder, when all the stress has grown

    a rich and verdant oasis, in the middle of a field

    a silent breath of stillness as the crops begin to yield

    the frog it comes to sit there from beyond the hedgerow bank

    to be a friend and companion high up within the rank

    he adopts his position, and day by day they grow

    their spirits fly with gratitude and travel within the flow

    with eyes shut in reverie, the gentle faery sleeps

    seated in this meadow, the dew it weeps and weeps

    one day the faery realised, that the sun was full and round

    just like a little faery cake, the sweetness had been found

    in the beauty of the springtime, we smile with strengthened love

    the angels do surround us all, while the birds sing from high above

    we're cheered in celebration, as springtime falls in place

    our hearts conjoin together, for one, the human race



    Feb 2013

    edit September 2024


    Legends Arise

    myths abound

    legends arise

    the dragon grows weary

    the faeries grow wise

    elves in the bluebells

    pixies in the mist

    dwarfs dig the garden

    under each eclipse

    birds sing for succour

    when the dark birds fly

    a clarion of angels

    arisen from the sky



    June 2014


    Off the Planet

    there's a city on the planet, it's placed upon a curve

    all the lines are straight and neat, but man he lost his nerve

    he took the serpent footpath, that led from behind the tree

    the lines they curved in rivered bends, they led to infinity

    on one side there was plenty, the daisies, grew so white

    the faeries flew the brightest clouds, it seem so outta sight

    there were dragonflies and rainbows, that beckoned to sublime

    humanity felt the pull, they went there in each rhyme

    on the other side of the planet, life it grew so hard

    so the patient faery sat there, and then she drew a card

    the card it said to rest a while, in nature so replete

    she took the apple offered, she thought it kinda neat

    while the great tree stands, our lives will carry forth

    but if they fell that single tree...let's not ponder aught!



    March 2013

    edited Sept 2013

    edited Sept 2024


    And did you see

    And did you see
    upon the dew kissed grasses
    signatures of cobwebs
    alight with dancing
    shadows, flickering through
    half closed lashes
    against bright sun beams
    of puckish magic

    And did you see the
    faeries flitting into sun warmed
    flowers, kicking off their
    silken shoes and wandering
    bare foot in gauzy satin
    dresses of myriad rainbows
    glancing sea green eyes
    to the eastern sunrise

    Escorted through woodlands
    of bright dreaming
    the elfs and faeries walked
    alongside the chalk white carriages
    of giggling rosy cheeked children
    carrying baskets of sun ripened
    fruits and scented flowers 




    In dreams will talk 

    magical elm

    heal my heart

    let wisdom dwell

    in every part

    may destiny unlock

    my earthly walk

    then woodland goddess

    in dreams will talk

    may gardens thrive

    with heavenly flowers

    and eternity escape

    its earthly towers

    this phase of life

    will pass away

    may magick brighten

     another day




    nature is



    in my eyes


    heaven and 








    dust of magic

    eternal bliss

    may the evening

    end in a kiss




    rhythm of nature

    a part of the all that is

    perfected in love




    for my life

    I see a bloom

    as fresh as

    any faery tune

    with wings of light

    this magic is cast

    oh love

    my heart

    may the magic last





    Nov '11