Angelic's & Autistic's, ADD...

We are always labeling or being labeled - perhaps to somehow describe ourselves, our feelings, perceptions and experiences. Some of these perceptions can be very powerful messages for us. Some are spiritually and physically and emotionally challenging. Some are revelatory from a higher ideal or different consciousness. Through self development we may serve as teachers. Perhaps you have been called Angel, Autistic, BiPolar, ADD, PTSD or otherwise neurologically and/ or physically attuned though classified into the untypical crowd. What have you been labeled and why? Did it help you? What have you learned?

  • Morell Sunweaver

    Although I'm no angel, I must admit, that I have a friendship with Azrael and some experiences with this kin.

  • Carl Gustaf Prien

    There was one time, a few years back, when I was working on putting together an essence blend to help me - and a number of the 'angelic essences' I requested to be put in the blend were of, what some would call, 'dark angels'.  I found them here:

    Some of them -

    Appolyon: Angel of the Abyss

    Abaddon: Angel of the Abyss

    Arariel: angel of the oceans; helper of fishermen; from Medieval angel lore

    Rahab: violent angel of the sea; supposedly destroyed by an angry God as punishment for some wrongdoing

    Nuriel: angel of hailstorms

    Matariel: angel of rain

  • Morell Sunweaver

    Angels connected with nature are rare I believe.

  • Carl Gustaf Prien

    That seems to be the case from my experience.

  • Morell Sunweaver

    It always feels well when I learn that my inner udnerstanding may be correct more than personaly.

    I think that Angels work mainly with humans on this planet and since their comming here many of them made their home mere and became part of Earth spiritual society, understand the value of humans and nature and adore them.

  • Carl Gustaf Prien

    I know the feeling. :)

    I think so...that makes total sense to me.