Dance and MOVEMENT

I love dance , everything about it and pretty much every kind of dance. I am an Autism Movement Therapist and I practice Danzen Movement Art Therapy which has saved my sanity a few times. Or maybe more than a few. 
Danzen Movement Art is a book on Amazon which is what I practice which is kind of oriented toward those on the spectrum but not exclusively,  now I am getting into applications more for other life issues such as general postural health and recovery from nervous issues and grief.

really love to see your love for dance and I am always happy to  help. Dance is a powerful healing no matter what happened. You do not need to,perform it for anyone just get in a safe space and let go. Love, Tara

Do you know about sufi whirling or zouk movements?


As I've gone along my spiritual path, the type of music I listen to and my dance - which I've  practiced since I was young, and mainly alone at home as a theraphy - has enormously evolved.

What I've eventually found to be "my dance" is a mix of zouk (Brazilian couple dance) movements and sufi whirling. It's all about spirals, circles, orbits, head movements...a very galactic kind of dance, which is connected to the organic movements of nature, actually: everything's spinning. As we otherkins are generally very connected to nature (it is well known in folklore that fairies dance in rings), I think many of you guys could find an easy connection to that kind of dances. They have the potential to take you to an ecstatic state of being, feeling an intimate connection with the divine. It's actually the dance of the Heart. There are many sufi poets such as Rumi or Rabia of Basra that express this even like an erotic, deep, fiery kind of love connection. And I can understand that, because I can feel some of that too. Crazy, huh?

May I then share some of this with you? I'd like to record myself sometime to express what I'm feeling when I dance. But at the moment, I'd like to share with you what that looks like in other dances. There's Ziya Azazi, my teacher. And Evelyn Magyari. They are my main inspirations. Let me know what you think, I'm curious to know :). Here there are some videos:

Sufi whirling (beautiful song):

Ziya Azazi, sufi whirling:

Evelyn Magyari, Brazilian zouk:

And a more extra video, nothing to do with what I've just explained, but I love this woman's energy, especially in ther legs!:

And one last ressource, especially for those of you who would like to study more about the brain - dance connection, especially in neurodivergence (I think somebody mentioned about autism in an earlier discussion), there's an interesting website offering ressources and workshops: I did one mini course with them. I'm not promoting at all, just sharing what has helped me.

Hope you enjoy the videos! :)