The Fae

The Fae - This is a group for those who identify as Incarnated Fae [Fairies], and who work with The Fae.

A tribute to the wee ones

And did you see


And did you see
upon the dew kissed grasses
signatures of cobwebs
alight with dancing
shadows, flickering through
half closed lashes
against bright sun beams
of puckish magic..

And did you see the faeries
  flitting into sun warmed flowers
 kicking off their silken shoes
  and wandering
bare foot in gauzy satin
dresses of myriad rainbows
glancing sea green eyes
to the eastern sunrise

Escorted through woodlands
of bright dreaming
the elves and faeries walked
alongside the chalk white carriages
of giggling rosy cheeked children
carrying baskets of sun ripened
fruits and scented flowers

Respecting and loving each new day's becoming
