The Fae

The Fae - This is a group for those who identify as Incarnated Fae [Fairies], and who work with The Fae.

Portal to the Fae Woods - Glamourie - Lady from the Outside

Portal to the Fae Woods - Glamourie - Lady from the Outside

By Merle Bardenoir

©All Imagery - All Right Reserved

Under the pseudonym Merle Bardenoir, an anagram of my first and last names, I have been working since 2016 to weave a universe of sounds, words and images giving pride of place to the marvelous.

Graduated in the field of Arts and Letters, I studied mythology and tales at University. This pronounced taste for the imagination is transcribed in my works which are inspired by folklore, symbolism and surrealism. Having been playing music for over twenty years, my favorite instruments are the synthesizer and the hammered dulcimer. I write, translate, compose and draw a multitude of things that you can discover here. 

Also see more artworks,Poetry & music on his Youtube Channel below:-

Electroneiric French songs, Poetry & fairy ambient folk and hauntology soundtracks for experimental short films.

The Wild Little Ring...

The Dancing Widdershins..

Fog Over The Tumulus..

Mantic Berries..

The Land Of Youth...

The Shapeshifter..

Through The Adder Stone..


The Hidden People..

Equinotial Banquet..

Raven Leads My Way Again..Enjoy!..


Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ..aka Reɪvən