The Fae

The Fae - This is a group for those who identify as Incarnated Fae [Fairies], and who work with The Fae.

The Magical Piper

The Magical Piper

An audience grew from the air and the earth

the piper he blew his magic with mirth

the fairies they danced in a circle of green

many wings visible and many unseen

Couples appeared to enter the dance

the elfin they sang, the pixies they pranced

 the greening trees sensed a magical spell

 throughout the woodlands, the moors and the dells

Belonging was sensed, love was afloat

all through the castles, the spires and the moats

alive was the feeling with colours enhanced

our hearts missed a beat, as we entered a trance

The veil had been lifted, our eyes were aglow

whichever way we looked we traversed the flow

nothing appeared changed, at least at first glance

as we deepened our gaze, our feelings enhanced

Be it a New Year

or just before

we were each uplifted

by magical lore


December 2022