Spiritual Experiences

A place to discuss spiritual experiences such as, but not limited to: NDE, OBE, Soul Braiding, Higher Self, twin flames, Descension, etc.

Thoughts Of Are We In A 'World Simulation'..

Scientist claims he has proof for the simulation theory

Thoughts Of Are We In A 'World Simulation'..

When we allow ourselves to open our soul, mind and heart to work as one, true revelations occur. That leads to understanding. Understanding of purpose and acceptance of ourselves and others. Awakening to how we can impact every living thing around us.
As children, we rely on our sense of self to help us understand and learn about the world. We are taught to believe and think as our society demands. In our teens we began the process of pulling away from social norms and learning how to think independently. This is very difficult for many. Society doesn’t like it when you rock the boat. Critical thinking skills are discouraged and those who dare to think beyond their cage are often ostracized. But, only, by virtue of confronting your inner demons and doubts will you find that you are more than dogma, more than habit, more than the imaginary person you were created by society.
So suggesting reality is an artificial simulation, I believe, reflects our digital age's advanced computing and virtual realities. Historically, civilizations have understood existence through their prevailing technologies. Ancient cultures likened life to a grand play or divine dream, while the mechanistic views of the medieval era mirrored the precision of clockwork. Our current fascination with simulations is just the latest way to interpret our reality using the tools of our time.

1962 Ferrari 250 GTO | Forza Horizon 4 | kudosprime.com

I had an experience that made me think we are in a simulation: it was back in the 2000’s everyday at Uni I would get my lunch from a local cafe shop as they did amazing pies & pastries but it was next to a busy road. One day a second hand bookshop opened up on the other side, it looked interesting but the road was so busy and my lunch break so short that I didn’t bother for a few weeks. Then while sitting one morning during a lecture, I had a sudden impulse to own a book about the 1962 Ferrari 250GTO, not entirely sure why to be honest, yes I liked sports cars, yes I liked all motor sports & rally car racing..., but I just saw this amazing looking red car in my head then just a sudden urge came over me. Being very particular about what kind of books I like I envisaged it would be of a certain size, design and technicality [see I am so very fussy].

So during my lunch break I made my way to the second hand bookshop, not even thinking about this book even at the time of entering it...yet it was pretty disappointing actually on first entering, mostly the kind of stuff that people don’t want anymore after a garage sale and didn't want to take it to the local refuge station,.. like old Lonely Planets and Guinness World record books, National Geographic & Time magazines, Mills n Boons & Readers Digest etc.

Anyway, I made my way to the Motorsport section which was just one small shelf of about twenty books. There I was struck to see the spine of a book saying Ferrari 250GTO, a perfect size, hardback. I took it down and the front cover was exactly to my taste so I opened it up to a random page feeling very lucky. The first page I opened, in bold print at the top of a paragraph was my full first name, spelled the same too, and lets face it my name is not that common...but it was not in my own hand writing.

I started laughing to myself because it felt just too odd for words. I have an uncommon name. What are the odds that I would have a random thought was to buy a special interesting book, that was to my taste, in stock across the street let alone the first page I turn to has my name written on it. Pretty weird aye.

I always felt it was some kind of Easter egg just to hint that life was not what it seemed. Or had I actually owned that book in another life time, but that didn't match up either as it was in this country so also the odds were way too high..

When the simulation topic comes up gain,.. I often ask myself - if we are indeed in a simulation then what is the scope and boundaries of the simulation. For example, is our entire universe simulated?, just our solar system?, just our planet?, or just my life? ....I have heard different takes on this point - what is the scope of the simulation?, what things are simulated?   "just in time" as we make the observations.

What is the Big Bang Theory?

The more and more I/we think,  the more humanity discovers - I feel that the likelihood of a localised simulation [i.e just my life, or just our planet] is highly unlikely. We are constantly making new discoveries in fields such as astronomy, about how the universe formed, how our galaxy formed, etc. The thing with these discoveries is that in general they tend to reinforce each other, they tend to reinforce that what we currently understand about how things went down after the big-bang is somewhat on the right track. Albeit there are some things we still don't understand, i.e if there is a need for Dark Matter and Dark Energy to help balance out some of the observations.

If the simulation was somewhat localised [i.e just our planet, just our solar-system] - why would the rest of the observable universe be so consistently accurate in the story that it tells about our past?

How could that be? Why did the Earth need to go through "The Boring Billion" phase just to simulate my life?

We know that phase happened, we have a lot of archeological evidence. If only our local area needs to be simulated then why is the rest of the observable universe so incredible at obeying our understanding of how it came to be? We have a lot of very strong archeological evidence to track many phases of our evolution as a species, and also the evolution of life during Earth's early periods. Why was any of this necessary - if simply to simulate just one life, or some local type of simulation. That seems extremely unnecessary and unlikely.

That is why when I think about this topic - if we are in a simulation, I am more of the mindset that either the entire universe as we know it is part of the simulation - or we are indeed in base reality. The more and more I think about things the more I am a believer that we are in base reality, although I understand why a lot of very intelligent people end up concluding otherwise.

The funny things is that if we are actually in a simulation [and I am pretty sure they use the word simulation for lack of a better term] then the real world [also calling it the real world for lack of a better term] is completely different from the one we are currently in. The real world might have different laws of physics, time, and space or it may not have them at all. Kind of like when you have a vivid dream where everything is absurdly different from our world that we currently live in, yet not matter how absurd the dream is, the dream feels very real.

Jury Duty: A Guide To Pay, Service, & The Process | New Idea

I've had many strange experiences which have led me to believe that we are indeed in a simulation and that it feeds back to us whatever we believe to be reasonable. One was talking to a friend and she mentioned she had been called up for jury duty. A thought popped into my head and I said out loud, "I haven't had jury duty in years; I'm about due for it." Two days later, no exaggeration, I received jury summons in the mail. Another time, I was driving in the car with the windows down. It was late March/early April and I thought to myself, "Wow! I haven't had any seasonal allergies so far this year [I tend to have terrible hay fever allergies at the change of seasons only]. I bet it's about time.

" And you guessed it my nose started running like a faucet that same day. I had to take an hay fever allergy med. Other times I've had thoughts of that a co-worker is bound to take time off work soon as its been a while since they last did, and muggin's here will have to fill in for them, and then 2 days later that exact thing happens, and this has happened many times not just once, its like I can sorta predict when its gonna happen too..

I know what most people will say... "Yeah, dude, that's called coincidence." Ok, sure. Maybe. Or, maybe not. I kinda dont believe in coincidences as everything is connected is some way or other.. synchronicity maybe?...

I've had other experiences that reinforce my belief in this "feedback loop." The trick is you have to actually, deep down, really believe the thing is likely to happen. If you don't believe it, you can't manifest it and forcing yourself into believing something outrageous is just plain hard. That's why so many people lead lives of quiet desperation. They're trapped in their own cycles of belief...

I experience really strange but powerful things: one was the dissolution of time (very scary for the ego, I was like sweating from the mind) where I felt trapped for eternity [lack of time], and the other was the lack of the sense of space around ones vision/mind. The complete space and time is a computation of the mind. For me, this makes a lot of sense, as this is experienced by kids for example. It also explains why conquistadores were so afraid of crossing the Atlantic: that space was not created yet in their minds. My experiences were not just hallucinations, as these only moved temporarily some computation capabilities from my mind.

25-yr-old man trapped in body of a twelve-year-old boy due to rare disease | 25-yr-old man trapped in body of a twelve-year-old boy due to rare disease

Another thing I have always had this weird anxiety creep over me and it even leads to many panic attacks since I was young this has happened. I will get a feeling that I’m “trapped” inside my own body. Like I’m trying to escape myself. I know it sounds crazy and probably is. When I was young I would literally reach out to grab hold of things or at things in the throws of a panic attack while shaking & trembling all over to reassure myself I was real, my reality was real, I was here in this body.

Other times I would just run down the street with my sister yelling after me to stop until I was tired. I don’t know why? other than I would get an odd thought in my mind and knew when I would entertain that thought I was about to be in for a bad time at home in some form...

It felt like fear in my soul like you can’t imagine. Worst fear I have ever felt. As I’m older now,.. I can control myself much better by figuring out a way to cope better. But when that “feeling” comes it will still to this day makes my body shake and break out in a slight cold sweat... Its like my “soul” just wants “out”. But out of what??? ...Is it that I dont belong in this body really & its because I'm a walk-in and that some kind of soul residue has been left behind from the previous soul who inhabited this body of mine & its trying to escape still IDK?..

I had another moment at Primary School, when the teacher was reading us a book, and we were all gathered on the floor mat. As she was reading, I was just lost in my own thoughts, I didn't even hear anything she was reading it was blocked out  as I was thinking... "How did I get here? Am I even real?, Am I a alien?  How am I all of a sudden here?" 

 It was as if I had no memory, and I was trying to remember how, where, when, why. LOL! ....I know it most likely had to do with how our child brains are while still developing at that age. Memories are starting to be preserved as well as discarded. But whenever I think of this simulation theory, it brings me back again to that memory in that classroom. That moment of an epiphany or something?.... It's a fun idea to think that memory, and all the memories I've lived, could have happened just hours ago even... If we live in a simulation, you don't know when the simulation started. You don't know which memories are real, or which are simulated right!.

World-first supercomputer simulation predicts when human extinction on Earth will happen

Lets try another approach. We are thinking about the world as a
simulation again as if it was digital or matrix like, thus the desire to be smart enough to "hack it". However many ancient knowledge and practices such as Buddhism talk about this but using amore spiritual approach called "enlightenment" which is (the experience of true reality, an “awakening” through which one could comprehend the true nature of things). It address the idea that everything is just energy channeled through vibrations or frequencies. So what if through meditation we elevate our vibration and somehow access the so called "enlightenment" state thus taking a glimpse outside the simulation.

Simulation is just one overly descriptive way of talking about our universe. We live in an illusion created by something of unbelievable conscious capabilities. There is a realm all around us that is nonphysical that some can access. This is the same way some people telecommunicate [aliens], this is where ghosts reside, astral projection is tapping into this, this realm is where some go when we die.

Near death experiences go to this place where their reality and consciousness is created by some kind of creator of all. The word simulation is a reference to a computer of some sort but the thing that has the ability to create the universe is more powerful than any computer that could ever exist. We are all connected to the consciousness medium.. some more spiritual than others. One more accurate, in my own way of thinking about it is that we live inside the brain of a kind of being that is pure consciousness. That being can interact with this universe in any way it pleases but rarely does. Exactly like you can when running a simulation.

Does the multiverse exist? - ABC Education

Recently I've been taking a more deep dive into my own thoughts of this through mindfulness while meditating [In many ways, meditation is mindfulness without external distractions and/or physical discomfort]. On good days I'm free of the thinking and just existing in a super bio-feedback of very alert, really physically pleasant state of zero thinking. This state can be extended with practice and eventually you can reach this zero state [of no thinking, just pure awareness ] for a long time. One then chooses to come out.

My longest was 3 hours and then I stepped out. Now I just maintain regularity with my mindful non-thinking state. Also accepting of days where it's just not happening. In this case you try your best to let the thoughts happen but do your best to not feed them further. No chasing. Just be patient. Watch the thinking mind. That's the inner reality we all live in within our minds, encased in the physical world's surrounding reality.

As absurd as it might sound at first but it can't be totally debunked. A computer simulation follows a mathematical model, so does our reality dosnt it... We kinda found the computer code to it in the Fibonacci Sequence. Almost everything we know contains a number of that sequence.
And Quantum Mechanics wouldn't disregard such a theory either. It goes well along with the Copenhagen Interpretation and the Many Worlds Interpretation.

Video — Human awareness of the simulated world through self-transcendence | by Nir Ziso - ניר זיסו | The Global Architect Institute | Medium

I got this crazy idea once about time, maybe the future could be predicted, like they always say our path is part of fate. Like if we throw a ball on ground under exact same conditions [exactly same ball, same ground, same air resistance, same force etc], it will follow exact same path each time. Maybe future is similar, it can be predicted based on current conditions of our world, some might argue that you can change conditions based on your Will which will change the future, what if your Will can be also already predicted based on certain state, patter of particles, energy or whatever that gives birth to your consciousness.

Everything in very basic form is just arrangement of atoms [or maybe energy waves] in certain way. If we can predict in which pattern they are gonna move next, we can maybe predict the future. Basically what I am saying is like predicting the movement of a ball tells us its future movement, predicting the movement of each atom might tell us what we call the future.

Anyway I know there is truth behind the curtain, strange as it is, you must have the courage to believe that you are not flawed within it. The truth is in the parts of us we have been hiding. Who am I? What do I believe? dont forget to say 'I matter. I Am good enough. I choose myself. I Am pure love'.
If you have any other thoughts, notions or personal experiences please share them in the comment section its a great topic to open ones mind..

Raven Leads My Way Again..


Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ..aka Reɪvən 

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SIMULATION THEORY (Documentary) - Is Reality Simulated?

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    ënagualí~ᏉLAᗪἇ ኔጡ።

    I will respond to the last thing you mentioned first, science has already unfolded that there is over 10 dimensions in this universe they can detected, but they know there is more that cant be detected also.. in other words the multiverse.. The definition of a dimension is that of spatial dimension, the inferred definition of dimension in the sense of existence is better conceived if thought of as 'planes' of existence. Or better said, of planes of reality. It's similar to the broadcasting frequencies on a band of Radio spectrum. This 3D plane of existence is like a plan of existence which is a radio stations broadcasting channel on a radio. The spatial dimensions can be considered as the nature of the transmission, eg the frequency, the amplitude and the transmission signal power. Other aspects of reality are on other planes and have varying degrees of interaction and/or influence on our own plane in 3D. I'm no physics expert so I cant fully explain it all that deeply, like you I have only theories of everything... but I do know string theory comes into play another thing of science I'm not a expert on.. and yet there is that "extra" ...that some dimensions are so small that we can't detect their existence, but logic tells us they are out there possibly through these portals.. This is why the' Theory of Everything' can not be solved & humans thus created this one main GOD religious theory to explain things they just didn't understand too, so everything then became the workings of this one GOD.

    However so is science still really theorising as they are creating the wrong mathematics to describe the ways of what we all know is of pure Nature...

     Then add If we even agree that life on Earth originated from Mars say, it still does not answer the question how did life start on Mars it just goes on and on. So then ET's come into play as its a way to explain the unexplainable... Then when we take the theory of evolution presupposes life as it tries to explain the origin of different species, but it does not give an adequate explanation of the origin of [ first] life...which I explained when I shared how my own soul spark came into being offworld. Its such a in depth topic isnt it,.. and it branches off in all directions into other unanswerable theories & questions.. maybe we're missing the bigger picture just above our heads, which can easily be excused considering how infinitesimally tiny we are in the cosmic grand scale of things.

    Elizabeth Barrett Browning Quote: “What is art but the life upon the larger scale, the higher. When, graduating up in a spiral line of still expanding and ...”

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    "It's similar to the broadcasting frequencies on a band of Radio spectrum.'

    I'm very sure we can uses our sensing mechanism like a radio receiver to record the dimensions and how they are seen through our senses, thus helping to shed more light on the subject... I feel that there are so many life forms that inhabit "space" for the want of a better terminology.  

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    ënagualí~ᏉLAᗪἇ ኔጡ።

    The truth is that there are infinite possible realities. The best thing about life is that we do not know what the reality is. We can say what it is, but we can never know for sure aye,..to me there are soul life in space & entities in other realms & dimensions. I am confident that there has been a handful of instances in my life in which the laws that seemingly govern reality have been bent or broken...one was when I finally met my light scepter soul guardians, that really tested my grasp on reality, as it's as if our brain is hardwired to see the world in a very specific manner and if something occurs to put this into question it protects itself by clouding the memory or filling in the blanks with what we know or have been indoctrinated to understand as a fictitious occurrences more favorable to our perception of reality. I.e. we are hardwired to ignore or gloss over occurrences which take place outside of our limited scope in which we're allowed to view the world. As a kid I recall seeing what I can only say was my first visit from a offworld being [an spirit guide for the use of a word] I wrote about this experience as I know what I saw at the time, and he didn't have wings ,he was just a normal elderly man though he was way taller than any person I'd seen before and he glowed in this light beam..I want to share this somewhere in here if I havn't already.. Oh I just checked the site and I havn't posted it here, so will do so in my blogs,check it out when Its there.... take into account this happened when I was a wee chappy and yet it was so serine its never left my recall of it...so yes I do believe we have our own sensing mechanisms like radio receiver's to see into other dimensional realms, hense why you get people saying they make contact with spirit guides etc..

    Julie said:

    "It's similar to the broadcasting frequencies on a band of Radio spectrum.'

    I'm very sure we can uses our sensing mechanism like a radio receiver to record the dimensions and how they are seen through our senses, thus helping to shed more light on the subject... I feel that there are so many life forms that inhabit "space" for the want of a better terminology.