Water Healing

Healing with Water - This group is for those interested in working with Water as a healing tool for change, cleansing, and well-being.  Healing Baths and Showers, Essences (flower, gem, etc.) are topics of discussion.

Healing with Essences

A fast and easy way to make your own elixirs is through the use of photos of specific plants/flowers, crystals, totem/power animals, celestial bodies, tarot/oracle cards or 'sacred sites' on Earth...and simply place a glass of water atop the image.

Or - you can write the name down on paper and sit the glass atop that.

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    Ametrine -(MHZ)

    Thank you Carl :o)

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    Ametrine -(MHZ)

    Thank you :o) 

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    Ametrine -(MHZ)

    Thank you C.G.L Blessings
    The Great Sea • C.G.L. said:

    Sure. I need to post my list of essence books, but I will make a new thread for that.

    Ametrine -(MHZ) said:

    Thank you :o)