Spiritual Experiences

A place to discuss spiritual experiences such as, but not limited to: NDE, OBE, Soul Braiding, Higher Self, twin flames, Descension, etc.

Patience of frozen river...

It was warm day, so I went to meditate to the river.  There was ice on it and as it was warm and so suddenly, it was thick and was braking. Something similar to the video above,

It was interesting as one of my guides, Kael, came to me and decided to say me this:

Something like you. Think about it, your powers, awakening is like that water hidden under ice. You don't even know how thick it is. When you meditate, you warm it with the sunlight, that's why it doesn't work at first, or even for a long time. Even very long time, when the ice is very strong. But it melts. It needs a lot of patience even when it finaly cracks as only small part is released in the moment but a lot of ice remains stable.

You need a lot of poatience, even when it doesn't seem to work, it does. Even when you feel that part of ice got away, another can cover the fred place again. But in the end it will all go, if you keep working on it.