If something exists, there is fun of it

Laugh is a sign of healthy soul. Smiling lifts up energy, makes the body shake and has health benefits. And it is hard not to laugh when others laugh.

Real kryptonite

I figured out funny idea.

When scientists found out Maldek, the lost planet, they named it Krypton.

Nof far from where I live a meteorit fell down a long time ago and when it hit, a lot of green crystals were created, or rather green glass, that is like no other on Earth.

We call it Vltavine, but it might be called kryptonite too?

...you know, those bookstores Luxor in my country also are funny fitting into the idea.

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    Morell Sunweaver

    Actually mum gave me pendant with two grains of it, but honestly so tiny pieces feel too tiny for me. But I'm still glad for it. No, I want the thing found in nature and given to me by fate... didn't find any good one in the stores yet. It is one of my plans for summer, probably I'll check the river Vltava, there are few cities where I can explore the river nicely without having too much danger from police. after all I'm not going to mine it, just look for it.

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    ënagualí~ᏉLAᗪἇ ኔጡ።

    Best way is that it finds you naturally yes..it will release a type of signal that your soul will pick up on instinctively..good luck in your searching and enjoy nature while your at it.

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    ënagualí~ᏉLAᗪἇ ኔጡ።

    There is so much fake Moldavite out there too, gees its just melted green glass, or carved Jade made out to be moldavite...so the only way I would suggest is to feel its energy first & foremost..or get the authentication papers as it can be a costly mistake purchasing fake stuff..but feeling it is unmistakable I assure you,as it raises your heart beat for starters..I can see online the real stuff too, maybe its just me having a gift in sensing it IDK but I often click on pendants to those available I know are real & I like and they are often sold..its annoying..but one day it will show up for me I'm sure..