Spiritual Experiences

A place to discuss spiritual experiences such as, but not limited to: NDE, OBE, Soul Braiding, Higher Self, twin flames, Descension, etc.

  • Morell Sunweaver

    I remember a long past, when I used to be part of the Jedi, when I meditated and reached some higher state, my soul got above myself and I saw my faith, my believes lying under me, taken off like a shirt. That moment I felt very uneasy and returned back fast...

  • ënagualí~ᏉLAᗪἇ ኔጡ።

    Speaking my Oversoul truths, humans often know nothing about themselves really not until the ending or later times within their life, it  hits them normally due to some form of a midlife crisis situation in these later years..before this they often keep seeking out partner after partner in the search for a relationship, mostly due to their own co-dependency ..hardly any of them are meaningful nor are they soul mates.. its often because so many woman had fathers who treated them badly or wernt there for them in their childhood and as a result of the damage done by a 'Bad dad' when it comes to choosing a boyfriend,husband or lover,they choose one identical to him...its a common occurrence,sex with most humans is a disgusting act these days too, rather than a loving sensual experience & spiritual connection within tantra... so men think woman are just their to relieve their ego centric sexual desires..the flower of life is continually being destroyed because of these attitudes towards the opposite sex, men arnt embracing the feminine within from the perspective of the "human-self" that remains on Earth,so the struggle continues as these soul mates forever are searching for their multiple level connection in the symbolic creation of life & never coming in contact with each other because of these things...  

    sacred geometry | Tumblr

  • ënagualí~ᏉLAᗪἇ ኔጡ።

    The world flower or flower of life symbol below, its being connected to everything,...These days its shattering to see people so separated,negativity, narcissism, egocentricity,politics & wars it all effects the whole world as everything is connected,as above so below..

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    I said to other Starseeds on other threads...It has to start with 6 soul mates per soul spark..those are the joining points of the first flower joints if you look in the centre of the first flower and there has to be a oversoul in that first flower also to expand outwards..It is an ever expanding Sphere of influence of soul vibrations. But it is so important for each soul to have these 6 soul mates per soul spark, who become bonds to help Anchor each Over Soul. Each Over Soul Group then helps the other, everything is inter connected and yet still very fluid...but if they dont have those other 6 soul mates connected & grounded then the world flower seperates and it all falls down & melts or goes now where in any great hurry..

    It looks like the image below otherwise..

    Flower Life Stock Illustrations – 58,430 Flower Life Stock ...

    I have a feeling that there are far too many gaps holding the world flower together right now..still too much negatives in the frequencies around earth to join the Over Soul threads together crumbling the bonds of human consciousness..maybe via the next generation of Starseeds things may be totally different.


  • Morell Sunweaver

    My guess is that even if you replaced entire humanity from generation to generation with starseeds, it would still take at least five generations to make real change. With small groups as is going on now I'm not sure that there will be any lasting effect.

  • ënagualí~ᏉLAᗪἇ ኔጡ።

    Starseeds have been coming to earth for many generations for eons, and they have been changing peoples consciousness over these many years, so their missions are being completed...they arnt expecting change on mass,they are simply planting seeds..which will grow in their right times.