Kaia Rhiannon Rose


Tampa, FL

United States

Profile Information:

About You -what brings you here?
Blessings and Thank you for creating the Elven World book and blogs! I just bought your book on Amazon- the minute i read about it and saw that it was about elves, Portland OR (my home town and fav city!) , environmentalism, and the Tuatha de Danan, I simply had to have it! I reacommend everyone intertested in the Fae attens the FAERIEWORLDS FESTIVAL coming up July 31-Aug 2 in Veneta, OR!! I hope T.E. Locke will attend and all the bloggers here- we would love to have all your love and energy- see all the heavenly details at WWW.FAERIEWORLDS.COM. There is also a FAERIECON on the East coast, more details also at that website! Blessed Be and hope to meet you there!

PS- I am also known as the CHOCOLATE FAERIE w/ a choco-blog- ck it out!
Your Website

Comment Wall:

  • Tara

    Welcome Kaia! Its so fun to meet you! Things are really gearing up for Faerie World, its so exciting and I can hardly wait! Elven World should arrive in a few days! More soon ...
  • Elizabeth

    Hello and welcome to this whimsical group, Kaia! Faerieworlds Festival sounds completely amazing.
  • Elizabeth

    OMG Kaia, I am so excited for you. I have met Brian Froud (what an amazing artist, loved him since I was little) and I have Amy Brown art all over the place. You are going to have the most splendid time EVER. And you're right - the setting is ideal. I grew up near San Francisco and in England, with mossy trees, green everywhere, giant redwoods, cool glades, waterfalls...there be faerie in such places.
  • Marianne Mathiasen

    It's quite a collection of fantasy art, books and films you got there!