I dont believe that I am an incarnated Elf-- probably just have always been human- reincarnating many times to finally learn spiritual lessons in life.
My ties with the Elves is that I have had some neat encounters with them while half awake/half asleep--
And after a prayer to God to show me if faeries were real, I met one face to face a month after my prayer--right at the perfect time that God picked for me. From this, I learned never to say "never", and to realize that our God has many Helpers and Workers for His Kingdom that we have no idea. They are working for restoration-- and to keep pockets of Heaven on Earth but it is a challenge for them with stubborn mankind's refusal to cooperate-- and often we humans work on the side of Evil without even realizing it because we are very Self-focused beings.
A-men, sister!
What if we have Elven blood coursing through our veins, then how can we change the way things are? Do we need to learn (or relearn) magic? Are the Elven returning to teach us now?
Hi Boldylocks, what a great elven story! I enjoyed your article, Working With the Fair Folk for Earth, and Plant a Garden for the Fae's, (and I expect the little girl will not be too discouraged by her father's fixed mindset! That sort of thing didn't bother me when I was her age.)
The Faeries are very adept at communication with the animals, insects, plants, minerals, air and water. It is my understanding that the elementals (earth, air, water, fire) are in actuality beings from the stars. They are often confused with Faeries but their spiritual journey is now on the second dimension. Some Star People have the ability to communicate with them and do take them to be Faeries of the Fifth Dimension, and sometimes you will find those of Star lineage who think Faeries exist on the eighth dimension as well. The Faeries say this is however is not true. As far as communicating the Faeries have the ability to meld thoughts with those I have mentioned and on occasion they join body. When you see a butterfly or dragonfly it is not necessarily what you think. They often enjoy the flight of one of these creatures to partake in the gifts of Mother Nature. Telepathy is a wondrous tool and they use it to talk with all forms of life, animal, mineral, vegetable. Samson hopes this answers your question for now but invites you continue your search for ways to connect with him and the others, Be Well and Blessings, Ron and Samson
very glad to meet you too Baldylocks :)
I think you might enjoy an occassional read of my once in a while blog on the ancient ways..... http://celestialelfdanceoflife.blogspot.com/
(+please do check out my elven videos here on my elvenworld page...)
Ron Cordes
May 31, 2009
What if we have Elven blood coursing through our veins, then how can we change the way things are? Do we need to learn (or relearn) magic? Are the Elven returning to teach us now?
Jun 1, 2009
Jun 1, 2009
Jun 22, 2009
Ron Cordes
Jul 2, 2009
celestial elf
I think you might enjoy an occassional read of my once in a while blog on the ancient ways.....
(+please do check out my elven videos here on my elvenworld page...)
Feb 10, 2010