Robert Denham


London Ontario


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About You -what brings you here?
It's me Stonemagick, (Rob) just deleted my old account and used my actual NING
Your Website
What Path Do You Follow?

Comment Wall:

  • Leith Carnie

    Yeah I'm kinda over all these sites as well. Too many emails telling me to "Check out BLAHBLAHBLAH" and I never do. Or someone has stuck some gay arse picture of a twinkly Faerie that says "Have a good week end" on my page.

    I'll stick with this one for a while but this stuff just doesnt really interest me much anymore.
  • Tara

    Thanks and welcome back! Love your photo. Boy you could have stepped right off the homeland, you look Irish thats for sure!
  • Tara

    Robert are you on Twitter...?
  • Tara

    oh, wow. i have started your book, to no fault of yours I am able to read only a bit which I adored. More soon. see you on twitter, talk about your book there.
  • Tara

    Love your new photo Be sure to post your new artwork with your links
    excited to see ...
  • Aldana

    I can do that for you no problem! Thanks for the feedback also! Do you have a link to the banner you like to use?
  • Marianne Mathiasen

    "What's funny about this story is the idea that faerys are small..In Ireland they are thought to be larger, and the idea of a faery, when spoke of, translates into "elemental" Faeries are elementals, and children of ForestGods (Forest elementals) or other elementals, like water. "

    Here in Denmark where I live, fairies are tiny creatures, elves have the size of a human or even taller. In Danish mythology fairies are called alfs, they are nature spirits living in plants, trees and water, and often they have butterfly wings. Danes also believe in gnomes, they used to be minor house gods, but nowadays they are related to our Christmas tradition, they bring gifts for the children on Christmas Eve.
  • Celticlass

    HOWDY!! I'm good darling!! My group on Pagan Space,FEISTY WITCHES keeps me busy,almost 400 members strong!! We're heading to Mexico for two weeks in a few days and my son Josh from Colorado will be staying with us this summer,through September,then we're hoping to go to Scotland. Going to a bellydancing hafla this weekend! Still doing my witchy thing..and YOU?

  • Celticlass

    HOW NICE!! Pleaae let us all know when we can get a copy!! Aye,we do keep busy!! I put it out there and the powers That Be provide!
  • Celticlass

    Thats PLEASE,I so suck at spelling!!!
  • Howard Gerber

    A thread of ribbon charged with friendship is worth more than gold grounded in hate
  • Howard Gerber

    Our daughter, her husband and the two little ones are visiting us in Houston from Toronto. Small world.
    My wife and I lead Wiccan services in six Texas prisons. We welcome Pagans and Heathens of all varieties. Most of the people that attend our rituals wear white (inmates) and a few wear grey (officers). We have the largest prison system in the world to work with. 704 Texas out of every 100,000 are in prison.
  • Howard Gerber

    Basically, Wicca is an all inclusive religion like Hinduism. As a Hindu guru once told me, "You are just like us. We see no difference." Anyway, the Christians don't seem to interested in reclaiming the oentagram.
  • Howard Gerber

    Those who wear plastic Elvin ears are not acting out illusion? Yet even those who live in illusion are better off than those who live in hatred or fear.

    I lead a Pagan rituals in six Texas prisons. We have Wiccans, Hare Krishnas, Asatru, Druids, Satanists, Voodoo, Thelemics and many more that attend. We are certainly not all the same, but we have a lot more in common to share than we do with the Christians or Muslims.
  • Tara

    RE: BLUE EYES I have to tell you that I just got back from Faerieworlds where I had a booth promoting Elven World Restoration of the Tuatha de Danann Kingdom. I nearly fell in to the blue of the eyes of so many Tuatha at the faeire fair!!
  • Tara

    Oh wow that really blows my mind. Well I told some poeple about you at Faerieworlds so you might have some new friends!!
  • John-Paul Riley

    Thank you for adding me as a friend!
  • Tara

    I think it would be great if you did some videos teaching Elven ways and posted them up
  • Tara

    Thank you !! Blessings!
  • Celticlass

    HAVE a MAGICAL,FUN,And POWERFUL SAMHAIN! I shall be dancing with the Fey around my fire! SLAINTE!!