maria xanthaki




Profile Information:

About You -what brings you here?
i am 29 years old from greece.i have blonde hair and blue grey eyes.and i have excellent hearing

Comment Wall:

  • Morell Sunweaver

    For you from me: About what you want to know about your blood... it is not importand at all. If you feel and know that you are elf, there is no doubt that you are. YOur body is adapted on this planet and becayuse no physical elves are here now, we have to birth as humans. What it mean for you to be elf? The answer is very important. If it is in your soul, than any blood in your veins (no matter if you are human, cow, dragon or what so ever) is elvish.

  • Altero'Ari'Sumerah

    That was a beautiful picture :) but, I am still discovering my true identity. You see, I'm a shape shifter(not physically), so its hard to find out.
  • Morell Sunweaver

    Thanks. I consider myself as one of eldar as well. I don't even care much if it is true. For me it is and that is enough.

  • Morell Sunweaver

    Well, is it really neseceary to know it? It is for you, that's why you ask. Somehow it is in you, but there may be thousands reasons for it. I beive it is you, who sould find the best anwser. It is in you, but way to find it out can be very long. Demend on how much do you desire to know and if you want to know true of this reality or your wish.

  • Elidoras

    Thank you for the pure radiation of your being!
  • Elidoras

    Red Ribbon
  • Tara

    Thinking of u how are u xo tara
  • Vidjen

    hi Maria ,

    the name people gave me is Simon if you like to know ... and hello to you too may there be a nice connection between us if you like . I always think of this Elven Communitiy sharing their Awesome Skills together ... enjoying each others Talents ... and also sharing them in the Way of Teaching each other ... in case someone chooses to ask anyone to teach ... i whould enjoy a community like that using only peoples strengths and best Talents ... in a Community where there is Communication .. and Love for all of them as a Community everyone belongs ...and  the more Variety the better ... there should be no judging at all just open discussions ;D 

    i think that was elven Community ... as I remember a bit just a bit Please correct me if im wrong ...

    .even if something else happens i hope that people on this Planet stop at least to Hurt themselves and also stop hurting Nature .

  • Vidjen

    oh i justed looked through your pics the forest is really ancient .... compared to that im just taking refuge in a Hatchling farm of just sprouted forest ;D lol no im not Jealous im happy for you and them ;D

  • Vidjen

    them i mean nature because nature is one and many at the same time ... for me ;D and yes some parts are old :) 

  • Vidjen

    oh my hairs are standing that means someone pouring the self out ... ;D 

    oh i almost cried ... in the End ...  LOL  means its really cool thank you again. 

  • Vidjen

    if you love Nature this is AWESOME !!!!!!  if you don't know the Movie Baraka get it somewhere ( i dont know right now where you find the full video ) it is Just PURE and AWESOME !!!!

  • Vidjen

    part 2 here are 6 more minutes ;D i just love the film its really cool ...