Morell Sunweaver

Czech Republic

Profile Information:

About You -what brings you here?
Left and right hand of the Lady of the site, if you need, you can ask me anything about the network. I cannot answer only the deeds of my lady, but I try to do my best.

I came to the Elvenworld seeking for other elven souls like mine. Although I have no memory of it, I lived on Atlantis and with the Vikings. After that Loki moved me among the elves who I identify with. That much I was able to collect.
Not sure why I've returned here among humans dorung this times of change. But they change us all too. I fell in love with darkness and the night, both becommings my elements, especialy after learning to honor light and the day just the same. Still night is my time, especialy the evening.

I used to care for the Valar temple website.

My Galery:
Your Sun Sign
Your Website
Alternative Contact
What Path Do You Follow?
Darkling, independent, warrior, elf, mystic, mage, vampire
Simply mine.
Do you have a multi dimensional avatar or identity you connect with in particular (check more than one as applicable)
Elf, Walk-In, Universal, Dragon, Seer, Witch, other
This site is based on the ElvenWorld Adventure and Romance Series which are read by young adults (teenagers+). This site allows no pornography, explicit sex (keep clothes ON), religious/spiritual persuasion, politics or violence of any kind. Will you follow these rules?
One should not come to a darkling for an advice unless they are really not afraid of the dark.
I accept decisions of site management to suspend members who discuss their ideas as being better or more important than others or is found not to be respectful. You can try again later.
Despite being surprised by deeds of my lady sometimes, I agree. It is needed.

Comment Wall:

  • Tara

    This is so beautiful! Please tell me what medium you are working with (computer, pencil paint etc) xoxo
  • Tara

    Thank you... Would love it if you post your art on this site blessings, may you hear the whisper of the celestial Elven as the wind through the trees
  • Tara a link we can see your divination page!
  • Tara

    Excellent I saw your page... Beautiful work. Have you considered drawing the Elven? I hope someday to do elvenworld II as a graphic novel...there may b other writers too who collaborate.
  • Tara

    You are right, it is very important to develop your abilities of discernment and protection but primary weapon is light so to speak...
  • maria xanthaki

    i kike your work! i am an eldar considering my strange eyes and my hearing.

  • maria xanthaki

    in my hometown they say that my eyes can be very intimidating if i want can i do that?

  • maria xanthaki

    i can make somone kneel before me if i want to.i have a strong energy.also i can be very sneaky!

  • maria xanthaki

    handsome men and women with excellent hearing and sightand with rare eye color.wise and intelligent and in mute with earth and nature.

  • Vidjen

    i like your pictures you like Swords ?  i use a broomstick for my sword lectures almost daily (funny isnt it ) ... but as it has been said too their purpose is only for self defense and keeping my Body powered and Strong not for any evil purpose since harming is not what feels good to me ... just for my safety if something bad ever happens i could get my self or others some Help if needed ... thats my attitude .. 

  • Vidjen

    and also hi to my Neighbour elf ;D  if you dont speak german that is ok because i can Speak English and i guess you too ... 

  • Vidjen

    what a coincidence ... isnt it and as far as i know you have even bigger areas of untouched nature in your country ... anyway nice to meet you here ... as least youre very similar to me regarding many things .  ;D so be well and happy and cu later ...

  • Tara

    I just want to say I am so inspired by the mandalas on your deviantart page. The one with bronze looking design is breathtaking intense.
  • Esther M.

    I don't think we talk about the same concept. What I mean by Christ is just a loving state of conciousness which has nothing to do with religion.Thanks for your welcome!

  • Elechil

    Many thanks. I will look into the website.