Arethinn aTinderel


Sunnyvale, CA

United States

Profile Information:

About You -what brings you here?
Fae/Sidhe from California. I run the San Francisco Bay Otherkin Meetup. We meet on alternating second Saturdays and second Sundays in various locations around the bay.
Your Sun Sign
Your Moon Sign
Your Website
What Path Do You Follow?
Pagan, vaguely Druid and/or Celtic polytheist, but pretty lax about it.
Do you have a multi dimensional avatar or identity you connect with in particular (check more than one as applicable)
Fae, Otherkin, other
This site is based on the ElvenWorld Adventure and Romance Series which are read by young adults (teenagers+). This site allows no pornography, explicit sex (keep clothes ON), religious/spiritual persuasion, politics or violence of any kind. Will you follow these rules?
Probably not my forte. I'm not a "people person".
I accept decisions of site management to suspend members who discuss their ideas as being better or more important than others or is found not to be respectful. You can try again later.

Comment Wall:

  • Tara

    Thank you for being here.  You are very beautiful. I hope you will feel welcome
  • Tara

    Wow that's incredible! Yes I truly hope many other wonderful Elven like you will join us...
  • Tara

    Oh thank you. And that you for your postings ;-)  youare such a beautiful being blessings
  • Addie Rich

    Do u know of any other meet ups or groups in the Atlanta area?

    Hi thanks for the welcome. Im from Ireland. Not sure whether theres any meet up here where I live. 

  • Treespar

    Hello, to another like me who resonates as being a Sidhe!

  • Zandra Amara

    Many places my dear.  We have crossed paths many times.

  • Ruriha

    Are you from PerC by any chance? 

  • Ruriha

    Personality Cafe.. Its a forum discussing the MBTI.