
Profile Information:

About You -what brings you here?
First, I will say that I am a woman of 26 with a beautiful baby son and a slightly closed minded husband, but only slightly, lol.
With the mundane things set aside, I am considering myself a starseed above other titles on this plane but, I do have a few memories that I gained, some by accident others were sought out. Most are of starseed so hence the claimed title, but I also have a very short memory of being Elfkin, Angelkin, and even having been formed in a star, no I don't know which star but feel a drawing towards the eagle and horse head nebula. With that said, I am here now to learn more about myself and perhaps gain more knowledge about who I have been and how I came to be here. :)
Brightest Blessings From Darkest Skies

Comment Wall:

  • Tara

    Dear April, 

    Thank you so much.  And yes I believe we are on a journey to make these discoveries. 

    There is  a blog post written to Sidhewillow who asked a similar question not to far back. You might enjoy reading this here ;

     And yes, there is much, much more to discover! Love, T. E. Locke

  • Tara

    I love your statement here and your avatar.  I'd like to talk with you more soon
  • Tara

    you are amazing.  I look forawrd to spending some more time learning about you
  • Robert Denham

    Thanks for the friends add :)


  • Robert Denham

    Red Ribbon