I grew up reading about King Arthur, The Morrigan, Camelot and Merlin. I was highly obsessed with these subjects and it helped to live in a pagan dominant home where I was taught to leave candies and gifts out for the fae. As a child I knew no God or Goddess. What I did know was that I had friends in trees, and I loved chasing butterflies and rubbing the soft fur of caterpillars on my face. I collected rocks and leaves, made crafts from them, sang and spoke to the ocean and forest when I was able to get to one. I may have been simple minded with a pure heart but it was enough. As I grew older, I became more angry and more distant without realizing it. I have a hard time understanding humanity and how it reacts/acts to things and treats the environment so much so that I've become secluded and only allow a certain amount of people into my life. I live a rather solitary lifestyle but through all this I've rekindled my connection with nature.
When I read about the Tuatha, it sparked so many memories of the old world for me. I began having dreams of a time where things were simple and magick existed in ways that go beyond a text book. I felt a deep longing to this world and a sadness I can't explain. I found this site by chance.
Your Sun Sign
Your Moon Sign
Planetary or Luminary Dominants in Chart if Known
Jupiter, Saturn, Moon, Sun
Planetary Retrogrades in Chart if Any
Alternative Contact
What Path Do You Follow?
Nature, love.. not sure what to call it really.
Do you have a multi dimensional avatar or identity you connect with in particular (check more than one as applicable)
This feeling you describe, me too.
Jun 10, 2017
Hello and Welcome
Jun 14, 2017