Nacht Segler


United States

Profile Information:

About You -what brings you here?
Been here before many years ago.

Age: 42

I reside in Eastern-ish PA.

I do not smoke, nor drink (stopped in Oct. due to my condition), nor have kinds or want any, and am single.

I am an oceanic waterspirit associated with Hurricane forces (Klabautermann).

I have been: A 19th c. Finnish sea captain, A German Merchant Marine officer in the 1900s and WWI UBoat Navigator, A German Merchant Sailor and WWII UBoat Commander.

*I marked "Walk-In" although my experience is that of replacement reincarnation.
Your Sun Sign
Your Moon Sign
Planetary or Luminary Dominants in Chart if Known
What Path Do You Follow?
My own.
Do you have a multi dimensional avatar or identity you connect with in particular (check more than one as applicable)
Multi-Dimensional, Ancient, Elemental, Terran, Walk-In, Human, Grid Worker, Earth Healer, Earth Sensitive, Shadow Worker
This site is based on the ElvenWorld Adventure and Romance Series which are read by young adults (teenagers+). This site allows no pornography, explicit sex (keep clothes ON), religious/spiritual persuasion, politics or violence of any kind. Will you follow these rules?
I accept decisions of site management to suspend members who discuss their ideas as being better or more important than others or is found not to be respectful. You can try again later.

Comment Wall:

  • Tara

    Welcome home! We missed you.

  • Steven Hutchinson

    I am delighted to welcome you to Elven World Adventures. Infinite Blessings & Overlighting Energies of The Creator's Love & Crystalline Rainbow Light with Ever-Unfolding & Expanding Enlightenment, Wisdom, Healing, Peace, Joy, & Abundance that are Divinely Perfect for You in Every Moment !

  • Tara

    Haven’t seen you lately, how’s it going? Your posts are always so interesting