

Lodi, NJ

United States

Profile Information:

About You -what brings you here?
Merry meet and many blessings to you. I am a psychic medium who is constantly connected with the spirit realms. I can put my foot in one realm and in the other no problem with ease. I'm a mermaid healer and a hybrid of few things here I'm a mermaid nymph with water fairy traits and angelic elf traits. I remember my people who were under the ocean in a brightly lit city who were very advanced people we used; psychic healing crystals and more psychic gifts. Our shamans were the doctors for my pod. There were seers priests and priestesses who protected the lands. My world was of two suns three moons it had a Saturn type style planet in the atmosphere. I recall green grass that seemed to have a certain glow you can tell some areas had trooping fairies I like to call them.

I remember starry skies at night it looked magical there was a northern mountain range and southern mountain range we had villages and tree huts. We did have some machines but very few people used them we tried to be more medieval and have a renaissance style type village than modern. Lot of my people used wooden utensils and bowls. We could use magic and be free of humans this lasted for few thousand years then humans came from the deepest woods to wreak havoc on the fae pixies elves even water dwellers. All I remember was seeing everyone scattered around trying to protect the magic and our culture makes past. The oceans were beautiful very little predators because our subconscious mind was pure magic and we could very well create what we wanted by thought. We could simply think of a pie and have it appeared in front of us.. there was courts and palaces and halls that carried ancient history and such we have pyramids that would be active only on occasions in grid work. I recall elders or what appeared as council for the elves or fae folk. We had palaces that were decked with marble pillars golden trim. Crystals were used as a healing source or power source. The climate was seemingly different than here we had Earth like temperatures it summers sometimes get very hot. Oceans were crystal clear no pollution and you can smell the sea salt in the air I remember lastly was oceans had a glow to it at night. But my mermaid name is Orifiel, my twin flame is Gadiel who is on earth now we found each other because we had work to do. He recently remembers same world but his memories are linked to a golden forest that had villagers, and tree huts. But I'm a mermaid with healing abilities and like to share my knowledge here hopefully be more open then shy away from being myself. If anyone remembers this world please add me as a friend or message me of your memory. I was a princess on this realm I called home my twin was a prince ambassador for elves and angels.
Your Sun Sign
Your Moon Sign
Planetary or Luminary Dominants in Chart if Known
Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Moon, Sun
Planetary Retrogrades in Chart if Any
Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn, Neptune
Your Website
Alternative Contact
I have a Facebook account does that count lol...
What Path Do You Follow?
I follow the eclectic path I pick and choose what I like I'm into Buddhism some form of pagan culture like the Celtic path and I believe in Faery magic. I also am into mermaid belief system as well because of my Atlantean days and lumerian days. I'm into Native American culture and some beliefs I understand how energy works so I have a metaphysical lifestyle. I do crystal healing reiki energy work. I'm a psychic physical medium who doesn't limit myself. I'm a mermaid healer...
Do you have a multi dimensional avatar or identity you connect with in particular (check more than one as applicable)
Elf, Merfolk, Nymph, Fae, Hybrid, Starseed, Ancient, Elemental, Otherkin, Shaman, Witch, Nature Worker, Grid Worker, Earth Healer, Lightworker, Priest/Priestess, Psychic, Medium, Earth Sensitive, Empath/HSP, Crystal, Violet Ray, Indigo Ray, Pink Ray, Druid

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