

Profile Information:

About You -what brings you here?
..work in progress.. Love&peace
Your Sun Sign
Your Moon Sign
Alternative Contact
a.kaa.sha on Instagram :)(:
What Path Do You Follow?
my own path to my greatest version ::)
Do you have a multi dimensional avatar or identity you connect with in particular (check more than one as applicable)
Elf, Fae, Hybrid, Starseed, Multi-Dimensional, Ancient, Elemental, Human, Universal, Dragon, Shaman, Witch, Nature Worker, Grid Worker, Earth Healer, Lightworker, Lightwarrior, Angelic, Priest/Priestess, Medium, Earth Sensitive, Empath/HSP, Crystal, Indigo, Druid, Shadow Worker, other
This site is based on the ElvenWorld Adventure and Romance Series which are read by young adults (teenagers+). This site allows no pornography, explicit sex (keep clothes ON), religious/spiritual persuasion, politics or violence of any kind. Will you follow these rules?

Comment Wall:

  • Tara

    The way that is best for you is for you to enjoy finding. For me, I need to connect with nature and animals, dance and prayer. Our star traveling friends can be found in dreams and meditations, by asking for them to arrive. When you ask, ask for what you seek, (not leaving yourself open to any vision, but only that which you seek. This multidimensional nature of our universe will provide. If you need help, some of the friends here are excellent guides. If you would like a blessing, you can find these within past writings or if you wish to, write to me directly with your question and I can help you to connect up to the grid that links us all intertwined do. Also I have posted some videos and written several books. Sending you so much love, T