Derek Moore


Saint Louis, MO

United States

Profile Information:

About You -what brings you here?
I have always been captivated by elves and other races since I was a kid. I grew up in a pagan household and I started incorporating elves and other mysticals into my practices when I started to feel "not myself." I always wondered if there were others out there that think the same I do. That's why I am here.

Love woods walking, beaches, city nights. I have an affinity with the moon, elves, dragons, crystals, herbalism and the supernatural. Love working with moon, crystal, fire, herbs and shadow magic. I was born the day before Autumn so its no surprise that love Halloween and the Autumn season. And no I am not part of a cult or wiccan faith.

I am something of a quandary, as I hold a deep rooted feeling in myself that there is an elf in me, but I feel there is a bit of dragon in me as well. And I am clearly a child of the night. No I am not claiming I am a vampire or anything like that. Its very confusing. Despite my confusions I spend a lot of times working in, with and around my faith and craft: Prayer, Meditation, Spell-crafting, Crystal work, And though the gods I worship may not make sense to anyone else they are very deep in my heart. My main magick skills are Moon Magick, Crystal Magick, Dragon Magick, Saga magick and divination.

Into much different kinds of music from folk and world, to tribal, classic rock, new age and club. TV and movies takes up lots of time for me. Specially movies dealing within the epic, heroic and fantasy realm. However I have a severe disliking to Rowlings films and books. Not big into sports unless you consider swimming and hiking a sport. Oh and steel fighting. Thus making me a champion of the forest. ;)

I also love writing: Fiction, Poetry, Prayers. I have like 5 books I have created (strictly for myself) up till now and more on the way. But my main character in them all is named Ked Seldo and set in a rustic fantasy world.
Your Sun Sign
Your Moon Sign
What Path Do You Follow?
Generally pagan but much deeper than that.
Do you have a multi dimensional avatar or identity you connect with in particular (check more than one as applicable)
Elf, Dragon, Seer, Shaman, Witch, Nature Worker, Earth Healer, Druid
This site is based on the ElvenWorld Adventure and Romance Series which are read by young adults (teenagers+). This site allows no pornography, explicit sex (keep clothes ON), religious/spiritual persuasion, politics or violence of any kind. Will you follow these rules?
I am still learning but always willing to share what I know.

Comment Wall:

  • BlueTiger

    Hello Derek and Welcome 

  • Treyah Autumn Wolf

    Thanks for the friendship, and to answer your question, no I don't believe that Night Elves exist and is a term for those elves whom are nocturnal. Besides, yes, I played World of Warcraft too.  The races of Elvenkind have a distinct descending lineage. I would be happy to send you the information that my guides have taught me. Let me know.