
Profile Information:

About You -what brings you here?
First, I will say that I am a woman of 26 with a beautiful baby son and a slightly closed minded husband, but only slightly, lol.
With the mundane things set aside, I am considering myself a starseed above other titles on this plane but, I do have a few memories that I gained, some by accident others were sought out. Most are of starseed so hence the claimed title, but I also have a very short memory of being Elfkin, Angelkin, and even having been formed in a star, no I don't know which star but feel a drawing towards the eagle and horse head nebula. With that said, I am here now to learn more about myself and perhaps gain more knowledge about who I have been and how I came to be here. :)
Brightest Blessings From Darkest Skies

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  • RichardtheRaelian

    "Happy Birthday!"

  • Tara

    Beautiful. In 2015 I wrote Star Travelers which is for starseeds to have an intimate connection with each of the universal laws for use in managing this transition. 
    it is truly beautiful and heartwarming to see the courage and love of todays starseeds, which I see because these youth are my students. I am so honored to know you all and see you filling the planet. I heard today from celestial,  that transition should be complete by very latest 2040. This makes sense considering the magnitude of change since 2008 when I released Elven World. Still, the focus from each and every one of us to speed this on, is vital. We are honored to be a part and I hope this space which was prepared for you to welcome all those and provide a harbor for friendship, will be joyful for you. Warmly, Tara

  • RichardtheRaelian

    "Happy Birthday!"