

Choctaw, OK

United States

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About You -what brings you here?
Not sure where to start, looking at my life, I really don't know what would be a good point to even begin. But I will do my best.

My name is Ashelyn, I go by either Ashe or Asheruin depending on if I am offline or online. I am a older spirit than some, having been tied to magic at an early age and just having the common sense to see it as well as maintain gifts passed down through my parents' bloodlines. After recently meeting a relative from a past life, I was determined that I was indeed an elf (or well Fae with elven blood), because of not only my sense of magic but my communion with the elements and natural bond with the earth. Elves have been a huge part of my lives from movies and games, to stories and pretend, I had always wondered that big question "what if?". Now that the dew has been rubbed away from my eyes, I am startled but excited to explore the world I thought I knew and honestly had no inkling of what truly was. any more questions, I can try and give light to, as my spiritual nature and path have given me the gifts to perceive what I must.

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  • Bill Tillman

    Looking like mischief is in the air with ya! He He He

  • Tara

    You are beautiful. To ask yourself Who Am I ? Is a wise meditation. Xoxo

  • RichardtheRaelian

    "Happy Birthday!"