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Forest Blakk - The Most Beautiful Thought

Twin Flame Reunion - Signs And Indications

~The most beautiful thought~

The most beautiful thought Is that fact that I have always.. loved you..
Even before I knew what those words meant, I knew that I loved you, and that I was loved by you..
Without knowing your name, where you were from, or whether you were happy or perhaps sad at times. I so deeply loved you, infinitely..

I dreamt in the sound of your voice..
And bathed in the color of your love..
I sought solace in the thought that you were somewhere out there, doing the same as I was
Like how at night I would often close my eyes..
And lay on my back with my hands outstretched to the heavens above..
It was there that I felt as though I could feel your hands in mine..
Our fingers interlocked with only time and space between us..
And I would watch as our arms would spin in small circles through the cosmos..
As if hand in hand we broke through the barriers of what lays free from our understanding..

Maybe it's naive of me to think that a love like this could exist, but I suppose what other option is there?
I was built to believe in the impossible and my imagination is incapable of anything less than..
Every cell and fiber in my body understands this to be true. That on the other side of me there exists and always has existed, you!

The most beautiful thought is that maybe each and every heartbreak endured was merely a bridge to one another.
Or that perhaps the love I had found behind the eyes of the strangers I'd met along my path were simply kind reminders that I was but one step closer to you. Oh my love how I have yearned for you..
I don't know how else to say this, the way in which I see you, and feel you, this pulsating beat trapped underneath my ribs. It beats for you and you alone..

Is that not proof revealing itself?

I don't suppose I will ever know the answer, better yet, I am content in my role as an architect of the answerless questions. There's beauty in that, truth!

Oh, the beauty of belief, the fabric on which love stands..

The most beautiful thought is that you exist. That you, the equal to me in every way exists. And that no other shall see me that way you see me. And no other shall see you the way I see you..

This is the most beautiful thought..
Without knowing your name, where you are from, or whether you are happy or perhaps sad at this very moment.

I so deeply love you, and I am so deeply loved by you, infinitely..

That is the most beautiful thought..

~Forest Blakk

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    Yes this is the aim to complete the energy circuit which is taught in many different forms with differing movements or stillness.....of some forms I have tried and there will probably be many more to engage in.  

    I have mainly used Yogic breaths, on occasion the essence of base chakra energy can be brought up the spine and circulated within the head to nourish the brain.  In chi kung practice in the meditation group we often did breath work as is natural to composure and flow.  My Tai Chi practice was at the time I was attuned to reiki and within the practice of reiki we did a breath technique which circulates through the channels of ida and pingala, tongue is held on the roof of the mouth to complete the circuit.

    Have you tried, using the pendulum to check out chakra energies, this can be done even over a flat chart of the human body or indeed over the physical form.

    So many human emotions can knock out the energy balance of the chakra system...here's a link I found today


    There are many breath patterns even one called the Bumble Bee breath


    Bumble Bee Breath quickly became my favourite – I loved how alive the cells of my body felt after humming (and spreading the humming vibrations beyond my throat, heart and lungs into all cells of my body). But even as I enjoyed this fun and playful breath technique I didn’t add it to my own practice or in my teaching yoga to adults. It wasn’t until I learnt about Vagus Nerve Stimulation and how humming is one of the ways we can activate the Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS), that I really began to utilize this breathing technique in my own practice and in my teaching of others."


    My main practice since age 18 has been with yoga, venturing into other techniques throughout life...I've been thinking of getting back into yoga again as practice time hasn't been available as painting for the last 12months seems to have been uppermost. Yoga it seems is the mainstay of my practice

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    ënagualí~ᏉLAᗪἇ ኔጡ።

    Ahh yes the Indians have many of these techniques but all in all they all stem back from the ancient times including Egypt.

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    cool, that's great Vlada