Breaking Limitations

This is a group for those of us who deal with limitations and how to work within them by being resourceful, inventive, and creative.

Limitations such as physical or mental "disability" due to health, financial, logistical (lets face it...not all of us live in or even near a major city), or any other type.

  • Keep Going .....!!!

    By Steven Hutchinson

  • Why Things Manifest By Matt Kahn

    Why Things Manifest By Matt KahnAs a way of pointing awareness into a new paradigm heart-centered perspective, I am often guided to unravel confusing misunderstandings on how…

    By Steven Hutchinson

  • First DNA Activation Of The New Year !

    First DNA Activation Of The New Year !Greetings dear LoveLights .....A warm welcome to everyone joining in the first DNA-RNA Activation for this year, which will be on the 12th of each month, maximizing the 12:12 frequencies for 12-strand light DNA ignition and stabilization through this ’12’ year…

    By Steven Hutchinson

  • Rialian - Give it to me on a Silver Plate

    ===Dear gods, people are so deeply annoying.===They want quiet social gathers, they want intense interpersonal awakenings...they want to be able to simply let it all relax and be THEMSELVES....===...and they want it all handed to them.===Do people not get the idea that they have to have some…

    By Morell Sunweaver

  • Working through fear

    Just like any feeling we experience, fear has its place in our live. Feelings themselves are great gift to us, because even when we are not aware of any other way, feelings always allow us to snese not just material, but also non material layer of our surroundings and of ourselves as well. Simple…

    By Morell Sunweaver

  • Reborn Brainwashing

    Born Again Brainwashingby Dick SutphenSummary Of Contents1. Introduction 2. The Birth of Conversion: Brainwashing in Christian Revivalism in 1735. 3. The Three Brain Phases: The Pavlovian Explanation 4. How Revivalist Preachers Work 5. The "Voice Roll" Technique 6. The Build-up Process.: Inducing…

    By Morell Sunweaver
