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I'm an Incarnated elf. Recently done The eleven shamanic healing course.
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This site is based on the ElvenWorld Adventure and Romance Series which are read by young adults (teenagers+). This site allows no pornography, explicit sex (keep clothes ON), religious/spiritual persuasion, politics or violence of any kind. Will you follow these rules?

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  • BlueTiger

    In many ways it does look much like it does not though with lots more trees. Though the energy is more amazing. Dirt paths and Dirt roads, Cottages made of stone some of wood, Raths underground with great halls and rooms that go off to the sides. Outside every where you look teaming with life, and many pleases have a shimmer/ a glow.  Waters clear even shimmer and so much life.  Food is even so much better in my opinion. Even the Alcohol is stronger.  In the end Ireland looks much the same with more trees. There are forests all over. 

  • BlueTiger

    The connection and having memories of Ireland mainly come from time as Tuatha De Danann. I was in one of the wave of our people. We came in from the north, In a inland bay, Then landed in a place where there is now Muff, From there we traveled more inland down the river and on inland. We went far as we could, then we traveled by foot inward. Any ways as Tuatha De Danann I lived there. Thus the connection to Éire. I do remember the battles we fought, the people we met when we arrived. The cool waters, the energy of the land. The smell of the rains, The paths we took and trails. When little when i seen pictures of Ireland it all seems so familiar but never understood why till later in life. Even though some memories did show them selves but I always pushed them aside. And the Sidhe and Tuatha De Danann around me have always made them selves known but would never tell me who I was, They wanted me to remember this on my own. How ever lol i guess that is enough about my self haha. I am sure that does answer your question lol. 

  • Tara

    Wow, me too. Just the same. In my memories, this place. When I finally went to Hill of Tara, I knew it for sure. The things you describe were all there on the Hill of Tara back in the day