Donna Smith

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About You -what brings you here?
I live in the beautiful Pacific Northwest and love photography. I'd like to add some of my photos to your website.
What Path Do You Follow?

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  • Sidhewillow


    Thank you so much for adding me as a friend, it is such a pleasure and an honor to connect with you here on Elven World!!  You are such a talented and gifted photographer, I love your work ( :  I look forward to our communications and getting to know you!

    Wishing you a Blessed Eve,


  • Sidhewillow

    Hello Donna ( :

    You are so very welcome!!  It is so very wonderful that you have found this passion, you are most talented!  I love photography as well and thought of taking this in school someday, not sure of this yet though.  I am glad you have made it back to Elven World ( :

    I am near done the book, it is wondrous, I love it!!  Thank you so much for your recommending the Spice Mistress, it sounds like a movie i would very much like, I am looking for it now, and hopefully shall get to see this soon! 

    I have not heard of Paulo Coehlo before, will have to look into this, I love reading and always love learning all that I can ( :  After Elven World, I have finally received the Heart of the Faerie Oracle by Brian and Wendy Froud, so am very excited about delving into this ( : 

    Wishing you a beautiful weekend Donna!!



  • Tara

    oh Donna these photos are absolutely stunning, just breathtaking