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Acupressure for Stress and Anxiety ~ Yin Tang Point

Pressure Point Extra-1 (Yin Tang)

Pressure point Extra-1 is also called Yin Tang. It is at the midpoint (the center) between your eyebrows (see Figure 1). Doing acupressure on this point can help with stress and anxiety.

Figure 1. The midpoint (the center) between eyebrows

Figure 1. The midpoint (the center) between eyebrows

Do not do acupressure on this point if:

  • The skin at or near the point is peeling or blistering.
  • There is an open wound at or near the point.
  • There is a rash at or near the point.
  • There is redness, swelling, warmth, or pus at or near the point.

How to find pressure point Extra-1

"Figure 2. Placing thumb between eyebrows"

Figure 2. Placing thumb between eyebrows

To find pressure point Extra-1:

  1. Place yourself in a comfortable position. You can sit, stand, or lie down.
  2. Using any hand, place your thumb at the midpoint (the center) between your eyebrows (see Figure 2). This is pressure point Extra-1. If you have trouble finding it, make sure your thumb is on your forehead. Do not put your thumb on the bridge of your nose.
  3. Press down on this point with your thumb. Move your thumb in a circle while applying pressure. You can move it in clockwise (to the right) or counterclockwise (to the left) circles. Do this for 2 to 3 minutes.
  • Some people may find it hard to use their thumb. You can use your index finger instead.
  • Be firm when applying pressure, but do not press so hard that it hurts. You may feel some aching or tenderness, but it should not be painful. If you feel any pain, you’re pressing down too hard.

You can do acupressure on this point a few times a day until your symptoms improve.

Acupressure is a complementary therapy. Complementary therapies are treatments you can use along with your cancer treatments. They can help ease your symptoms.

To learn about other complementary therapies, call MSK’s Integrative Medicine Service at 646-449-1010 or visit www.mskcc.org/integrativemedicine.

The Pineal Gland is magical...article

To continue with the article on the pineal please see link below

The magical pineal

Starting with sleep, the proper function of the pineal gland is fundamental.


It secretes melatonin, the sleep hormone, in response to the light-dark cycle.  It’s regulated by the suprachiasmatic nucleus in the hypothalamus.  It controls body temperature, hunger, thirst, fatigue, sleep, and circadian rhythms.

It’s also responsible for producing serotonin.  Serotonin is your happy hormone and its functions include regulating mood, behaviour and digestion.

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oh you only just touched the surface..

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Acupressure for Back Pain: Relieve Pain with Hand Pressure Points

The make up of the body is a fascinating subject Vlada and I've always had an interest in knowing more.  Thank you for the additions to the post I added.  Is this something you're interested in too...

Yes as I had acupuncture for a whole 12months weekly years ago, after I first did my shoulder injury and managed to avoid surgery.. so I can swear it works, even though I'm now receiving treatment for the same shoulder injury its another issue my body created itself from it, it formed scar tissue trapping my auxiliary nerve into it, this created like a carpel tunnel syndrome type symptoms to my fingers in my hand as well now its turned into a frozen shoulder due to prolonged appointment waiting times for treatment practitioners over the xmas & new year period,... I've just had a steroid injection a week or so ago, I wanted to have acupuncture again, but cos I'm under Accident Compensation sadly I cant choose my own treatment plan, as my wages are being paid by them, so what they say goes, but I have mentioned it to my physio therapist and she hasn't totally ruled it out yet, so could still be on the cards if necessary, thing is there is only two acupuncture trained persons in the whole of the Coromandel so they are totally sort after and booked out way in advance.

Ahhh yes, a friend of mine found acupuncture very helpful Vlada.  I hope you won't be waiting for too long for more treatment.  Hope that the steroid injection helped eased the situation.  I had one in my back and it helped a lot for the situation I had.  A prolapsed disc in the lower back.  The surgeon also did a full spinal manipulation under general anaesthetic.  Around that time I'd had osteopathy which I found wasn't for me.  At present I'm starting up with gentle exercises for my back again.  

Oh, mental telepathy — I totally needed this. I mean REALLY needed this. 

I had a steroid injection in my shoulder 3 weeks ago and it was more painful for the following 3 days, then it started to ease off, and I have less pain now unless I over exert it... so the Dr lowered my dosage of Tramadol, I take only two tablets daily instead of 3 so that's something good I suppose,.. but physio is still having trouble getting my shoulder to actually move ,.. so I cant get it any further than being able to touch my head and that's it, I struggle to hang even my washing out on the line, it takes me about 1/2hour per load LOL, by throwing the pieces over the line then pegging them with the other hand, if they don't slide off before I get the peg on lol..

I've become kinda ambidextrous too and now use my left hand over my right moreso than I ever did in my whole life.. but it dosn't help me do many things, more its stability than anything especially when lifting the kettle or anything heavy....

Just goes to show when you have no choice you adapt. So we continue in physio to see if it will more, failing that I can have another steroid with saline fluid that may help to disperse the steroid further into the shoulder region to get it to move more...but its a 50/50 chance. And the sports therapist Dr said even having surgery is a 50/50 chance or guarantee it will move also so I think no point in cutting me open and having pain healing for nothing aye.. may as well accept the fact I've now got limited movement for the rest of my life.

Julie said:

Ahhh yes, a friend of mine found acupuncture very helpful Vlada.  I hope you won't be waiting for too long for more treatment.  Hope that the steroid injection helped eased the situation.  I had one in my back and it helped a lot for the situation I had.  A prolapsed disc in the lower back.  The surgeon also did a full spinal manipulation under general anaesthetic.  Around that time I'd had osteopathy which I found wasn't for me.  At present I'm starting up with gentle exercises for my back again.  

???? what??

Tara said:

Oh, mental telepathy — I totally needed this. I mean REALLY needed this. 

Thanks for letting me know where you're at Vlada.  Like you I very much hope you will have a full recovery and have normal movement of your shoulder joint.  A lessening of any painkiller is a step forward to recovery.  

The spring is on its way here, the sunshine got me out in the garden and my washing got hung on the line, for the first time in months.  The birds are bathing in their big saucer again, so everything is getting cleaned up ready for some more good weather...hopefully!  Temperatures dropped when I checked on the phone app today but I'm going to put the curtains from the boat outside for a good airing as the sun is shining.

What's your weather in New Zealand like at present....it was 2 degrees C this morning with a feel of -1 C.  A bit of a change from the last few days when I could be outside sitting in the sun and taking a couple of walks.

I'm glad that the article was helpful Tara, blessings

Tara said:

Oh, mental telepathy — I totally needed this. I mean REALLY needed this. 

We are only just on the tip of starting to show signs of Autumn here as its been raining on and off in short bursts, its overcast today and very light drizzle but its humid so that wont help anything it will just dry up as the ground temp is still high....the day temps are still way up in the high's 24-26°C around the country ...

I too got out in my garden yesterday and the day before just to tidy it up as the summer temps really hit it hard, so trimming back tree's, de-heading & trimming back the roses and cutting off dead leaves from plants etc Oh and pulling weeds of curse all using my left hand... it took me ages but I did it, think my bicep muscle in my left arm is now stronger than my right one lol.. the compost bin is over flowing but that's ok, just means some good compost for the next seasons growing to come and I can empty the other side into my vege garden which also is in dire need of starting all over again as there is nothing left in that only a bunch of spring onions..

The Most Effective Twist Tillers (2024) - Reviews by Garden Gate

so I might try to till it over...  I cant dig it over, got no strength to lift a heavy spade... but I have one of those twister tillers and its great if I put the compost on and plant some winter veg, last pumpkin got used the other week too, gonna miss those I love pumpkin in almost everything.. and I hate buying them from the supermarket they cost almost NZ$10 each.. everything is so costly these days I dont know how large families with teenagers & youngsters are surviving to be honest, they must have to live off food parcels... it costs NZD$12.40  thats almost 5 pounds for a dozen eggs these days,.. that's just daylight robbery .... and my ducks have gone off lay as they just molted so no eggs for me either for some time now.. Do you actually own & live on that canal boat you mention it all the time as if you do?...I've got just 9mths left on my mortgage and I'm gonna be freehold, not sure what I will do sell it or stay?

Julie said:

Thanks for letting me know where you're at Vlada.  Like you I very much hope you will have a full recovery and have normal movement of your shoulder joint.  A lessening of any painkiller is a step forward to recovery.  

The spring is on its way here, the sunshine got me out in the garden and my washing got hung on the line, for the first time in months.  The birds are bathing in their big saucer again, so everything is getting cleaned up ready for some more good weather...hopefully!  Temperatures dropped when I checked on the phone app today but I'm going to put the curtains from the boat outside for a good airing as the sun is shining.

What's your weather in New Zealand like at present....it was 2 degrees C this morning with a feel of -1 C.  A bit of a change from the last few days when I could be outside sitting in the sun and taking a couple of walks.

Prices are rising here to they seem to go up each week when I do the online shop Vlada.

The garden is waking up with the flowering current blooming and the grape hyacinths starting to bloom too.

For the last 12 months there has been so much rain and cold weather.  I'm not even sure last summer was a summer at all.

I remember making pumpkin soup one year and it was delicious.  

I'm not living on the boat Vlada.  My friend owns it but I can stay over there if I want to, it's mainly upkeep/maintenance as my friend hasn't been well so hasn't been going to the boat.  

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Multi Dimensional Reality

The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament"  or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.

A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
 the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...

Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.

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