Elven World Healing Arts: GridWorker & Geo Artists, Sacred Geome

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The Blue Avians: Reverse Time

Channel: Octavia Vasile | Source

Beloved ones, there is so much we wish to bring to you, but first, we ask you to open your heart to receive. You are magnificent creators, yet you have forgotten this, and so you perceive reality in a skewed way. What is truly real arises from within and is created by you. Avoid blindly believing or adopting the stories of others who may align with a different level of understanding. Instead, remember: there is no need to simply believe; rather, create something new and vibrant on your own.

Your mind has been conditioned to believe in time as a linear construct, shaping an entire society around it. But perhaps most limiting of all, you’ve assigned yourself a finite time to exist. You invented time, made it flow only forward, and with it came aging, disease, and decay.

Now, the moment has come to reverse it. Yes, you heard us: reverse time. Time is not fixed; it is a fluid concept. Shift it. What if time moved backward? What if your body grew younger and younger?

What if time stood still?

All of this is mental programming. Your subconscious mind has internalized this information, and you act upon it. Change it at the root: tell your subconscious that time is fluid, creating various realities you can access from any point. Your body is a mental projection—believe in youth, decondition the mind, and your body will remain still.

The Ascended Masters understand this deeply, and once again, they invite you to awaken to the truth within and to dissolve the most ingrained programs. Be free. Create from zero. Recognize that there are other ways to walk your path.

As fifth-dimensional beings, you will realize that all existence is one moment, which the mind connects to the next through memory. Your memories are mostly not real—they change constantly, but the process is so convincing that you don’t notice. We understand that what we share now may be mind-blowing for some and easier for others to embrace.

Reconnect with your true self, which is beyond human form, beyond space and time, and see the reality we share with you today. Question everything; do not simply believe. Instead, ask your heart for the answers—they will unfold accordingly.

Use this key intention: “Time flows backward” to break free from time’s hold. Affirm it, feel it, and tune into its essence. We love you. Beyond mind and matter, existence begins—we will meet you there, longing for your presence.

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LOL These Blue Avian beings & their 100 spheres dont exist they were a New Age made up concept by David Wilcock & Corey Goode & William Henry concocted to gain attention to their movie & coreys supposed expeditions to underground Mars titled 'Cosmic Disclosure'.. he and Goode & Henry as well as many others along the way who also joined the scam including this person who wrote this fake channeling are just discredited starseed hoaxers,.. where they all used information from ancient Egypt petroglyphs and manipulated them to create these fake beings.. all total lier's the whole lot of them..


Yes that’s uncool of them to mislead but I definitely still think there are blue colored beings from other planets.  Also that there are beings with feathers and catlike faces could be also true.  I guess we will have to wait and see!

Sadly this is what the new age religions do, they start to creep into a new reality of their own creation, when in fact its all lies, I find that so sad, but then thats religions for you, they all tell lies and brainwash people in some way, At best it's wasteful delusion. At worst it's a brutal tool of control and manipulation used by some of the worst scum on the planet parading as people. ..I'm the type of person who really wants to see something with my own eyes before I believe in it being a reality especially when they are saying things like this article is depicting,...this person who wrote this has the right concepts behind her words and speaks them in a way of easy understanding, but then why hide who she is behind this silly fake avatar to do this. She would be better off being her true-self in the process as she clearly states in her closing lines and yet is also contradicting herself in the process

she said:- [Reconnect with your true self, which is beyond human form, beyond space and time, and see the reality we share with you today. Question everything; do not simply believe. Instead, ask your heart for the answers—they will unfold accordingly.].

Many thanks for your comments Tara and Vlada...

I posted this because it mentioned about the reversal of time and the fact that as human beings there has been much negative conditioning especially over the past few years...if it's possible it could do with being taken out of our psyche.  

I'm glad the article provoked discussion about time as one of my beliefs is that time is fluid and malleable.

 But why use these Blue Avian beings plus the information on time, they arnt the first to even mention this info on time either, they are just used as a made up New age muse in that sense to pass it on... but she will continue to use them to get fame just as David Wilcock & Corey Goode have done too.. thoughts & notions then all based off a made up lies... so these new age channelers are all total fakers to me, if you look into them deeper you tend to get to see & believe it after a while..

Julie said:

Many thanks for your comments Tara and Vlada...

I posted this because it mentioned about the reversal of time and the fact that as human beings there has been much negative conditioning especially over the past few years...if it's possible it could do with being taken out of our psyche.  

I'm glad the article provoked discussion about time as one of my beliefs is that time is fluid and malleable.

I guess people are as people are.  I was drawn to post this message and there was a pull to share here. We are all a complete entity each puling away the bars of our cages to reveal the core truth of what is our truest form.

 People will find out soon enough within years, within our lifetime it seems, what is true and not. Today we celebrate another small step forward in the US a where it has been thoroughly hidden,  a little bit of acknowledgement publicly.  Just trying to acknowledge the tiny bit of good news shining through a mass of false and misleading information deluge 

Well you two have at least a heads up on the rest of the folk who fall for this charade..

Let’s close down this contentious subj3ct and start a new discussion

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Multi Dimensional Reality

The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament"  or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.

A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
 the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...

Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.

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