Elven World Healing Arts: GridWorker & Geo Artists, Sacred Geome

GridWorkers & GeoArtists, Sacred Geometry Nature inspired poetry, dance & song

The Gael ~ Celtic Music ~ The Pan Celtic Festival

Musicians: Violaine Mayor, Joel Herrou, Jean Herrou, Mikaël Herrou, Lenn Derreumaux, Maëla Derreumaux, Silvan Derreumaux, Annaëlle Brossard, Jawen Laroche, Siobhan Buckley and her students, Elodie Autissier, Riwal Harjay, Yann-Yvon Dodeur.

Breizh Pan Celtic offers a Brittany-Ireland version of The Gael, the famous music from the film The Last of the Mohicans, composed by Dougie MacLean.

The Pan Celtic festival usually takes place each year in Ireland the week after Easter, and brings together representatives of all the Celtic nations for competitions and performances of Celtic music, song, dance and languages. The festival is canceled in 2022 for the third consecutive year due to health measures. We wish to testify by this video of our support and our attachment to the cultural exchanges between the Celtic countries, of which the harp is the prestigious heritage. Ancient and modern harps coexist here happily.

The Pan Celtic idea first originated in 1970, and the first Pan Celtic Festival was held in Killarney in 1971. Rapid development followed and the Pan Celtic International Organisation was formalised in 1973, with the adoption of the constitution. Pan Celtic is governed by an International Council, and 6 national committees. The International Council directs and co-ordinates the activities of Pan Celtic, it also decides the rules and conditions attached to the holding of festivals, approves venues and festival committees.

The main vehicle to promote the aims of Pan Celtic is the Annual Festival held the week following Easter each year.

Other events may also be held by individual committees.

Arising from Pan Celtic, a number of festivals and events have been either established or revived, such as: Kan ar Bobal in Brittany, Lowender Peran in Cornwall, Pan Celtic Reunion in Wales, and the revival of An Cruinneach in The Isle Of Man.

Pan Celtic is also pleased to have established strong ties with An tOireachtas, Ireland's premier Gaelic Festival, and Am Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail in Scotland. This co-operation has developed into a new Scottish/Irish Gaelic Organisation, under the title Comh-Nasg na nGael.

Pan Celtic & Celtic Cultural Trust Limited
Celtic Cultural Trust Limited was incorporated in 1997 following a decision of the Pan Celtic International Council, to set up the company.

Objectives of the festival

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Really enjoyed that,..and along with the beautiful scenery & views in the background it was just mind blowing..loved the recorder,I can play one of those..but on the counter at 1:55 my eyes popped..

 what I couldn't understand was how the classical guitarist was even managing to play a tune on a guitar whose strings had no tension what so ever and they looked like they would jump off the thret board at any time,even with a capo they wobbled everywhere on the bridge you cant tell me as a musician any pleasant musical sound would ever come from that guitar,it would have sounded like clanging strings only lol seriously ....so I think it was all pre-recorded in studio and then just staged on the mountain top to be honest..

also shows around 15 seconds in Vlada, I agree wonderful scenery and I love the music too, think the pipes shown are 

Did you learn recorder at school Vlada, I loved playing recorder, one of my cats used to climb up on my chest when I played and she joined in with a high pitched sound of her own

Uilleann pipes

Description: Uilleann Piping is a musical practice in which a particular type of bagpipe (known as ‘uilleann’, ‘Irish’ or ‘union’ pipes) is used to play traditional music. Bearers and practitioners include participants of all ages, dispersed throughout the world. Uilleann Piping offers an important way of socializing, providing a sense of rootedness and connection to the past. Knowledge and skills are transmitted using both long-established and modern practices, and the practice is primarily safeguarded through the efforts of the group Na Piorabairi Uilleann.

No I didn't learn recorder at school,I was home schooled as a youngster,had loads more fun....and my Nanny actually made a huge mistake and got one with a load of other music instruments my sister played on too, like triangles & tambourines & a gourd maraca shakers, a Ukulele..and a Guiro.. oh and one of those weird piano blow things called a Honer Saprano melodica..we also had a piano in the house.. we would entertain her thats for sure...do our own stage performances behind the lounge curtains... 

Vintage Melodica - Etsy New Zealand

and I continued to drive her insane with it at times, lol she regretted it...but then eventually I managed to suss out simple tunes all played by ear..I ended up being able to play portions of the theme music off the tv programmes I just loved,nanny recorded them for me...e.g like Simon & Garfunkles 'Watership downs'- Bright Eyes Oh and also Greensleeves  lol..that was the one that drove her nuts the most..hhahahah

& the 'Elephant boy'  movie theme song -  I could even play that on the piano too..do you remember this movie & theme..l loved it big time..



Ahhh yes sure do remember watership down Vlada, went to see it at the cinema when it first came out with my boyfriend...and my young brother ;)  my brother mmmmm.  I bought the book watership down when I saw it in a second hand bookshop a couple of years ago, I love books.

I also picked out tunes, especially liked Greensleeves and learned to play it on guitar.  Annies song was another tune I liked to pick out on guitar.  Had one of those electric Rosedale organs as a child and loved to play Silent Night, and Barcarolle, from The Tales of Hoffman.

In recent years I bought another guitar, djembes, tambourine, wooden shakers and sleigh bells!  

Always wanted one of those melodicas, alas never managed to get one, think my parents thought that a descant recorder was enough...my nan bought me a tenor recorder, my nan was pretty cool.

Sorry missed this notification when my pc was playing up...so with all these instruments have you started a band yet or what lol.

I've had my moments ;) I've been part of a drum group, alongside a performance poet, very nervous.  I've been in a group of poets doing poetry readings in several places...a band no, perhaps I'll leave that to you Vlada

LOL I dont have time to be in a band these days..way too many other things to take my time up..

you never know...

LOL oh I do know, been there done that, never again.. but I'll be on the supporting side of the music industry, have been for years.

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Multi Dimensional Reality

The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament"  or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.

A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
 the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...

Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.

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