Elven World Healing Arts Community

Nature Inspired Healing Arts & Spirituality

So, I've been lurking through the net trying to find descriptions of different phantom limb types. Of course, I haven't found much of anything. So I was wondering if other winged kin could do their best to describe what their wings feel like. Also if you can identify what kind of wings I have let me know.

What I feel of my wings is thus: I feel a slight pressure against my shoulder blades. It seems to be near the bottom section of the shoulder blades, otherwise it's dead middle. I don't know if there are anymore connection points, or if that spot is truly the connection point. I wouldn't call my wings heavy, they are there but I don't feel an immense weight on my back. I can move them, although my left one seems to be more cramped up. I can't move it as much. When I stretch them I can feel them move in three parts. After a certain point I can't move them any farther. I can flap them and feel muscles in my back moving, I can also feel at least one joint in them rotating with the flapping of them. 

Based on my examination while writing that, they are very likely feathered wings. I feel the three sections of the "arm". Connects to my back, goes down, connects to a joint, goes back up and connects to a final joint. So it's three segments like a birds wing.

Let me know what yours feel like! I'd love to hear what other types of wings feel like. If you have any questions let me know.

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Last time I felt having wings, They were huge brown eagle like wings that felt kinda heavy. But I'm not used to move them so I wasn't able to figure out moving them.

My fae wings aren't generally that physical. Sometimes they come across as a rather Froudian "tattered butterfly" thing, or a cicada. But that's more just a descriptor of the shape than to be taken literally as "insect wings". They're more like a "tattoo" of light on the air. They connect near the shoulder blades.

Dragon wings are a different thing, but of course that doesn't really make a lot of sense stuck on a human body, so they're just kind of back there like any fantasy artwork you've probably seen of that kind of thing. They're the standard batlike shape.

Moving your wings is something I had to learn, well I did with all my phantom limbs honestly. I think it was something like "While meditating or relaxed, gently feel your phantom limb. Like put your energy through it slowly, feel the muscles, the bones, the joints. Try and get a feel and understanding of it's shape. Once you have done that, see if you can move them." For me it's like flexing my arm, but the shoulder is connected to the back of my shoulder blade instead. 
I'm sure there are quite a few guides out there that could help as well. I don't move my wings as much as I probably should.

Morell Sunweaver said:

Last time I felt having wings, They were huge brown eagle like wings that felt kinda heavy. But I'm not used to move them so I wasn't able to figure out moving them.

The tattoo thing is very interesting, I didn't see that coming honestly. Can you feel them moving through the air when you walk? I'm guessing you don't feel either weight because I imagine they are pretty light? That's quite interesting.

Interesting, are your dragon wings heavy? Can you feel their shape coming from your back? Are they able to move? Do they ever ache?

Arethinn aTinderel said:

My fae wings aren't generally that physical. Sometimes they come across as a rather Froudian "tattered butterfly" thing, or a cicada. But that's more just a descriptor of the shape than to be taken literally as "insect wings". They're more like a "tattoo" of light on the air. They connect near the shoulder blades.

Dragon wings are a different thing, but of course that doesn't really make a lot of sense stuck on a human body, so they're just kind of back there like any fantasy artwork you've probably seen of that kind of thing. They're the standard batlike shape.

There is more than one type of shifting via psychology & body and its not just in astral body either Morell....should I do a post on them all to give some kind of clarity and which group should I post it in, the Otherkin group maybe?..

"The tattoo thing is very interesting, I didn't see that coming honestly. Can you feel them moving through the air when you walk? I'm guessing you don't feel either weight because I imagine they are pretty light? That's quite interesting."

Honestly they're not even always present, but when there, no, they don't usually offer any resistance to anything physical. They go through clothes and furniture without incident. (There have been a couple of occasions where I put a wing through someone and they really felt it, but those are exceptions.)

The dragon wings can be heavy, but again, not even always present. Yes, I can feel the shape if I think about it a bit and voluntarily move them. I've never had aches in the physical body from any set of wings.

Thank you that was very informative. My wings don't tend to catch on things or anything like that either. I've heard some people talk about that but I've never experienced it myself. I've never had mine give any resistance to air or anything either. I think my wings are probably the most constant phantom limb I have. It's not always there sure, but it's there at least 75% of my waking hours.

Mine very rarely ache, and sometimes they vibrate and tingle like crazy... today I discovered the frequency 639 makes them tingle and vibrate. So that's interesting.

Arethinn aTinderel said:

Honestly they're not even always present, but when there, no, they don't usually offer any resistance to anything physical. They go through clothes and furniture without incident. (There have been a couple of occasions where I put a wing through someone and they really felt it, but those are exceptions.)

The dragon wings can be heavy, but again, not even always present. Yes, I can feel the shape if I think about it a bit and voluntarily move them. I've never had aches in the physical body from any set of wings.

I would be interested to read that honestly.

Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ ኔጡ። said:

There is more than one type of shifting via psychology & body and its not just in astral body either Morell....should I do a post on them all to give some kind of clarity and which group should I post it in, the Otherkin group maybe?..

Otherkin will do well.

Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ ኔጡ። said:

There is more than one type of shifting via psychology & body and its not just in astral body either Morell....should I do a post on them all to give some kind of clarity and which group should I post it in, the Otherkin group maybe?..

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