Elven World Healing Arts: GridWorker & Geo Artists, Sacred Geome

GridWorkers & GeoArtists, Sacred Geometry Nature inspired poetry, dance & song

Do you have some thoughts as to why multidimensionals are here in Earth at this time? 

Why have the Tuatha de Danann returned in this day and age?

Why are Otherkin here? What is the teaching you have for the world? 

Just curious to know your thoughts


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This is age of reckoning. All groups, spiritualities, civilistation existing on Earth are becoming active so it can be seen how valuable they are for human kin. Those who are usefull and helpfull to humans will remain, those who are not and don't reason well, will slowly fade away.

Now is the time for them all to show and proove that they are useful and helpfull.

After more than 40 years (tracing this sort of thing back to the Elf Queen's Daughters) I'm not sure anymore there IS a real reason, or plan? In the late 90s/early 2000s it did look like things were awakening, our numbers were growing and finding each other and becoming more active, envisioning the changes and magic and yet... nothing really has come of it all. I'm starting to wonder if it's a case of "we tried, but we weren't strong enough" or something.

As for myself personally, I've never had any idea why I should be here now.

The BOOM of magic and esoteric is over, it could get us far further but only if we were standing against inactive dummies. Slavemasters here had maybe even over 3000 years to improve and perfect the slavery of earth. This movement just brought new problem which they might cover in time and include it into their system.

Energy heaing was already claimed to be placebo by scientists.

There was a plan, but plan has to be cnaged, since the defense of tihs world adapted itself and slowly adapts as people were expecting fast changes, which didn't come. Who can blaim them? And truth be told, 40 years are very long time for human...

...but we haven't lost yet, you see, banning, ridiculing and fighting with us awakened ones shows ht we are enemy these people and spirits are taking seriously. It is no small deal for them.

Changes are slow, But I have faith that they did not stop.

There is always hope,the monetary system needs to fade!

Fading is slow process, in this case very slow, but I believe it is going on.

I have come to believe we are not here to help mankind or the earth, though it would be a secondary benefit.

I have come to believe that this dimension ( and maybe others) is a training ground...a classroom...for each of those who chose to come here. This is in order to become the most perfect Energy possible...i don't know for what reason ? For our own personal enlightenment ?  And, perhaps, preparing for an ultimate mission ??

Between lives, in-carnate or not ( i think we may spend some lives as bodies of energy), i believe we debrief with our Teachers...what we learned in previous lives, what we could have done better, did we fulfill the goals with which we set out, did we learn the Lessons we chose ...there is no "punishment" for "evil deeds", only learning what to do better.

we have a period of rest and reflection,  then choose what we would like to learn or accomplish in the next life...we are given a choice of scenarios/lives from which to choose, which one we believe will offer opportunities to choose and learn from ( or not) ......no details, just a general impression...we choose one and are reborn.

my younger son came to me when i was 3 months pregnant...i woke and was sure there was someone in the room, but saw no one. I rolled over, but the feeling persisted. I looked again, and saw a man in the light of the streetlight...he told me he was there to choose if he wanted us as his parents...and he did !

I was thrilled...i also knew then that this soul entered the fetus at 3 months, i would not lose this one ( like i did the one before..), and it would be a boy.

he's 25 now...and has always shown many many Sidhe traits. He's always been a wise "old man" but has already learned many things.... such as more patience  !  : )

yup, not here for this world......it's a classroom imho.

xoxo addy

Morell Sunweaver said:

Fading is slow process, in this case very slow, but I believe it is going on.

I believe that too! Let's hope bitcoin doesn't survive either!

First thing I always did when returning from sumer back to school was that I borrowed a screwer and removed all the chewing gumes from my place.

Taking lessons is correct, but it is far from being everything we do here.I like that saying of Tolkien: The land is enchanted by those ho inhabbit it.

Thank you Addy this is very very beautiful. A flower has the purpose to grow and that is a great and noble purpose


I have come to believe we are not here to help mankind or the earth, though it would be a secondary benefit.

I have come to believe that this dimension ( and maybe others) is a training ground...a classroom...for each of those who chose to come here. This is in order to become the most perfect Energy possible...i don't know for what reason ? For our own personal enlightenment ?  And, perhaps, preparing for an ultimate mission ??

Between lives, in-carnate or not ( i think we may spend some lives as bodies of energy), i believe we debrief with our Teachers...what we learned in previous lives, what we could have done better, did we fulfill the goals with which we set out, did we learn the Lessons we chose ...there is no "punishment" for "evil deeds", only learning what to do better.

we have a period of rest and reflection,  then choose what we would like to learn or accomplish in the next life...we are given a choice of scenarios/lives from which to choose, which one we believe will offer opportunities to choose and learn from ( or not) ......no details, just a general impression...we choose one and are reborn.

my younger son came to me when i was 3 months pregnant...i woke and was sure there was someone in the room, but saw no one. I rolled over, but the feeling persisted. I looked again, and saw a man in the light of the streetlight...he told me he was there to choose if he wanted us as his parents...and he did !

I was thrilled...i also knew then that this soul entered the fetus at 3 months, i would not lose this one ( like i did the one before..), and it would be a boy.

he's 25 now...and has always shown many many Sidhe traits. He's always been a wise "old man" but has already learned many things.... such as more patience  !  : )

yup, not here for this world......it's a classroom imho.

xoxo addy

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Multi Dimensional Reality

The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament"  or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.

A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
 the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...

Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.

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