Golden Yellow Ray Flame Meditation By Joanna
With all the Love and support of the Universe (and beyond), we're calling in the irrepressible Joy of the Yellow Flame and the eternally renewing Light of the Golden Flame to bathe all life here, aligning the whole Earth field and all consciousness, all energies here, with the galactic blossoming of New Earth, within the multidimensional network of Love, Peace and Oneness.
If you feel so guided, you can connect in your heart/intention with the fairy, elven and elemental beings co-creating with(in) Ascended Earth, and the many beings of Love who flow through the Yellow and Golden Rays, beloved Sananda&Lady Nada, the Angels of the Yellow & Golden Rays (including Archangels Uriel&Khemiel and Archangel Ariel), the Golden Phoenix mothership of Ashtar, high light solar soul expressions (radiating as Amaterasu, Apollo etc) and the Golden Lion Beings of Love. If you like to meditate with Crystals, citrine, honey calcite, lemon topaz and golden heliodor are especially aligned with this activation.
Breathe deeply now, breathe into your heart, come into your centre…breathing in love, filling every cell with love, breathing out love to All…breathing in light, filling every cell with light, breathing out light to All.
As you breathe in, know that you are the One Source expressing for the joy of expressing, through its Infinite Sea of Creation, throughout universes, galaxies, planets, atoms, all beings, and in the cherished energy ‘form-focus’ of each and every Being right Now on Earth.
You are the infinite AM, beyond ‘I’, beyond all dimensional planes of creational expression, yet holding this fine-pointed focus of ‘self-awareness’ here, with beloved Gaia, within this planetary ascension, with this unfolding New Earth. One-within-the-ONE, radiating from the ONE, as we all are…and in this Now we choose to Unify the Source Light we all are, consciously on this plane and around this planet, for the Divine Well-Being of All.
Breathe and relax, let yourself feel the endless love, joy and well-being of the Infinite Source Field, of the divine soul-sparks we all are, radiating from beautiful Oversouls like a sea of stars radiating beams of pure, clear Light in every direction, through many universes, through many dimensional planes of expression.
Know that we are always assisted and supported by countless Loving Beings in service to Divine Love, by the Source that radiates the loving impulse of Ascension, Renewal and Restoration of Divine Harmony and Joy everywhere throughout existence.
Let your heart connect with the heart of Gaia, and with the whole field of energy in, on and around this planet and Solar System, within this galaxy, within the Infinite Sea of Creation, as we focus our loving intention Now with the 5-5-5 Gateway ~ aligning Divine Harmony and Restoration of pure Universal Love, Grace & Light in our hearts, in union with the Heart of Gaia and the infinite Source-Heart of All, together as One in the eternal radiance of Blessings, with Love for All on Earth and Everywhere.
Know that the Divine Yellow Ray flows to uplift All, as the Eternal Golden Light bathes every atom and cell, flowing deep through our DNA, RNA, subtle fields, and that of the Earth and all Life here, aligned always with the Universal Golden Harmonic of Creation:
Through the Infinite Divine Presence we Are, we call the Yellow Flame of Infinite Joy and the Golden Flame of Resurrection to flow through our Hearts and radiate through our Beings all around this planet, upholding the re-newed New Earth of Universal Love and Peace for the Highest Well-Being of All, in Oneness with Gaia.
Through the Infinite Divine Presence we Are, we align with the faery, elven and elemental realms supporting the Ascension of Earth, with the Agarthan 5D light realms and all Beings of Universal Love uplifting and assisting the etheric layers of the Earth and all life here with us Now, anchoring as One the restorational vibrations of the Golden Ray flowing from the Source, radiating wisdom, gentle playfulness and infinite joy through the light-grids and Earth's field, for All.
We attune to the Prime Harmonic of Creation, anchoring collective Ascension in our Hearts and flowing through our Beings Now with Gaia for the blossoming of All in Oneness with the New Earth.
Through the Infinite Divine Presence we Are, we call the Yellow Sunflower Light & the Violet Flame to saturate any and all energies non-aligned with 5D and higher vibrational expressions, including etheric, electromagnetic and physical pollutants, viruses and toxins, and realign them into the Love radiating from the Golden Frequency of the Source-field.
We call the Golden Ray to infuse our Beings, this planet, the collective consciousness field and all its co-creations, with the Love and Nurture radiating eternally through its omniversal fields of expression, to uplift, align and harmonize all energies in Universal Love.
We ground the Golden-Yellow Light through the Sacred Heart within us All, within Gaia’s crystalline Heart…shining continuously within the harmonic field of the Flower of Life around the Earth.
Through the Source-AMness we Are, in Unity with all love anchors around the Earth supporting Ascension, we ground the Golden-Yellow Light with beloved Gaia for the New Earth, with the Divine Many of the realms and planes of unified Light, in Love & Gratitude, amplified through this Gateway and every moment.
May Love’s Infinite Blessings radiate and be received everywhere in, on and around the Earth, clearing, dissolving, transmuting, uplifting, lightening all energies, all humanity and all beings, in the Spirit of Oneness and Eternal Love. So Be It. So It IS. It Is Done.
Thank you as always, beautiful love anchors on the ground, let's keep grounding the Ascension Light!
Love, Joy & Peace to All in this New Age of Gaia, with gratitude to the Light Beings of many realms and dimensions supporting the New Earth frequencies,
Photo taken on May 1st 2021 of the faery folk, with 'golden solar gnomes' visible here (circled in the enlargement) at the foot a tree bathed in gold afternoon light and 5D Earth vibrations, in Kalamunda National Park, Western Australia.
*For more about aligning & anchoring the Golden Flame, the Yellow Flame and the spectrum of Source Rays in their Divine Flame energies, see The Seven Sacred Flames Meditations.
Video - "Embody The Creator's Love In Your Life Now ! By Natalie Glasson" -
The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament" or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.
A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...
Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.
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