Qwan Yin - Plant The Flowers Of Love & We Shall Blossom Our Planet!
Dear brothers of the planet Earth! I AM QWAN YIN!
I bring my heart full of love and joy, and I place a little piece of all these feelings in the heart of each one of you.
We have done intense work of radiating the energy of love on this planet. This does not mean that male beings, as you know them, are incapable of loving. They are, and they are doing their part.
But we are a group of women, of goddesses, who together form a great force of emanation of love for this planet. It doesn't matter who we are, it doesn't matter what race we are, it doesn't matter if we are angels, masters, goddesses, or if we are energies, it doesn't matter; we are just gathered together for one purpose: to fill this planet with love, to overcome all the barriers of the shadows and to reach the heart of every human being that lives on this planet.
No, this is not an invasion of free will. The light never invades anything; the light is primordial and will always be the main one in every being. Even if the being chooses to be a shadow, it will never lose the light in its heart, it will be compressed there, almost without strength, but it will never be suppressed. And why so much effort to radiate love? Look around you. Look at what is going on on your planet. The shadows use violence, evil, unscrupulous, and bizarre acts to provoke fear, discouragement, and hopelessness. And only love can change all that.
When every human being on this planet looks at his torturer with love, it will all be over for them; for them, the shadows, for no one will succumb to the negative feelings that they emanate. Everyone will radiate love. Many may ask me, will this be possible one day? I tell you that it could be possible right now, at this very moment, if everyone on the planet radiated light if they radiated love. Yes, it would be possible, but fear and anger populate many hearts among you. And the more they rebel, the more they are afraid, the more the shadows grow because they feed on that.
So everyone on this planet must do their part. Avoid arguments, avoid fights, avoid judgments, and avoid criticism. If someone does something to you that you don't like, take a deep breath, and ask for our help, whoever it may be, to send love to the one who has displeased you. Look at them and see them as a ball of light. If you do, you will have soothed the feeling created in you and on them. If each of you does this, you will help us destroy more and more of the shadows.
Many people think we don't need help; we really don't. But when you take actions that contribute to what we are doing and help yourselves you are helping us because you are increasing our power to change hearts. It is a collaborative work.
As I just said, if all the inhabitants of Earth radiated love and light, the shadows would be destroyed. Would that be our work? No, it would be joint work, ours and yours. Would you help us? Yes, but in the first place, you would be helping yourselves because you would be changing the whole energy of the planet.
So it is up to each of you to do your part. Don't think it's small what you do because if you all think you're small and inferior, nothing will happen. You will go through many things to learn more and more to radiate only love.
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As you do your part, the one next to you does it, and the one farther away does it. This creates a global consciousness, and everyone begins to act in the same way, so it will form a consciousness of change, that it is possible to change and to radiate only love.
Help yourselves, provoke change. You are powerful beings, and you can make a difference. Have flowers in your homes. But not dead flowers, not flowers that come from the ground as an ornament. Have flowers that come from the soil. It doesn't matter what the flower is; it matters that it is a flower. The flower contains the elements of the Earth, air, water, and fire that make it grow and blossom. Having flowers in your home brings the presence of all the elements and the power of Gaia into your home.
Plant flowers, small, or large, but take care of them; let them become a part of you. You have to nurture yourselves, and so do the flowers. Water every day or every once in a while so they can be nourished. Stir the soil, turn it over to let the fresh air get into it, and make it more nutritious. Decorate your houses with living flowers, and take care of them. Know that there is the love of Father/Mother God blooming, the energy of Gaia at work, and there is beauty in your eyes.
Know how to choose the right flowers you will look at and be enraptured by their beauty. Each of you likes a different flower, so plant the one you like best, no matter how small the pot. For those who have a garden, this is pure perfection, but for those who don't, let it be a small vase that can allow it to bloom, to open up to you. And be sure, we are all there, for our love is in every living being on the planet, including the flowers.
Take care of your flowers and yourselves, and you will see the energy change in your homes. But you must also do your part, keeping yourselves in equilibrium, radiating love and light. I see this beautiful planet blooming, multicolored with flowers of all colors. This is what will gradually bring beauty, love, and balance to each and every one of you. And be assured, all will be well for those who believe.
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A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
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It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...
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