Elven World Healing Arts: GridWorker & Geo Artists, Sacred Geome

GridWorkers & GeoArtists, Sacred Geometry Nature inspired poetry, dance & song

The Dream Of Truth By Natalie Glasson & Saint Germaine

Part 1

I, Saint Germain, extend to you now greetings and love. It is an honour to be in your presence today. I bring forth the magic, the love, and the truth of the Creator to shower down upon you to support you in your current existence upon the Earth.

You are embarking through a most beautiful ascension process; everything is blossoming at this time and being embodied deep within your being. It is a time to be consciously aware of everything that is taking place within your being, around you and connected to your spiritual path. We the Ascended Masters wish to assist you in achieving this. In your everyday reality, encourage yourself through your thoughts to be conscious and aware, alert to everything that is occurring within your being and around you.


I Saint Germain wish to speak with you about the energy of truth, truth is such a vast expansive word. Truth is and can describe as something that is general, but as a spiritual being walking your ascension pathway upon the Earth, truth is something that is remarkably close to your heart and soul and very meaningful to you. It is your power and a reminder of your connection with the Creator, supporting you in your expression of the Creator.


Currently in ascension truth is immensely important, it is essential to take some time to contemplate what truth is.  Many beings who have channeled before me have spoken of the energy, the vibration, and the frequency of truth, inviting you to contemplate truth. It has never been so important as it is now to contemplate truth. 

What is truth?

What does truth mean to you?

What do you expect of Truth?


As a spiritual being you are invited to let go of expectations...instead - create intentions. Rather than expecting something to happen, hold the intention that it is already created and already manifested, entering your reality.

If you create intentions about truth and about understanding your truth, contemplating what truth is and your unique expression, this will allow you to connect with the Creator on a deeper level. Your expression and understanding of truth are important, it is unique to you, therefore it is essential to really begin to understand what your truth is.

What does this mean? It is not necessarily what you believe in, although it can be. It is more what you wish to feel, what you wish to experience, what you wish to create for yourself in your ascension and upon the Earth. 

Rather than trying to understand the meaning of life and the truth of the Creator, or what the Creator wishes you to know becoming a wise being or Guru, know that Truth is about your own unique expression, and in many ways can only be expressed, for if it is not expressed, then it becomes something else. It is energy, it is a vibration, it is a flow. Your truth is unique, it is all about what you feel, what you think, what you experience and what you create. This is your truth.


Your truth extends from the vibration of the Creator that you are connected with, or, put in another way, the vibration of the Creator that you hold within your being. But if you allow your mind to run away with fearful thoughts, if you allow your emotions to continuously bring up old wounds without approaching them, facing them or healing them, then the vibration of your being and the vibration of your connection with the Creator will be different. It may not be so inspiring or enlightening.

If you are able to master your mind, to forgive yourself, to love yourself unconditionally, to heal yourself, recognise and want to heal the wounds within you and physical wounds as well, your connection to the Creator will be different. It will be more enlightening and more inspiring, more familiar and more truthful.


Your expression of truth constantly changes as you evolve and progress through your spiritual evolution. As we begin to contemplate what is truth? What does it mean to you? We also let go of expectations and instead create intentions We become conscious of the presence of truth around us, within us and assisting us in our reality, flowing through us from the source of the Creator. Then we are more able to connect to experience the truth.


We have spoken of you expressing your own truth and how this can change, alter and shift, especially as you ascend. Contemplating truth, you will begin to recognise that you wish to know the truth of the Creator, you wish to receive truth or wisdom that will guide you fourth in supporting yourself, others, and the ascension of the Earth.

The truth of the Creator is the same as your truth, it flows through your being. The more you heighten your energy vibration, the more you will be an expression of high enlightening inspiring ascension truth and bring this into your reality and into the world. The title of my communication with you today is the Dream of Truth.

Video - "Pristine Earth, Pristine Body Meditation" -  https://youtu.be/5qh3i96YX2k


What does the Dream of Truth mean?


It is my understanding that within your being you have a dream, a hope, something that you wish to manifest, and it may be that it is a dream of truth. Now it may look like wishing that there was more peace in the world or wishing that you had more abundance or that there was more abundance in the world.

Within you there is this dream of truth, something that you want to manifest that you wish and desire to be experienced upon the Earth at this time or in the future. This dream of truth is immensely important because it also supports you in understanding your destiny and your purpose in this ascension process.

When you make steps forward to experience your dream of truth, you are experiencing that which your soul wishes you to experience. I wish to encourage you to connect with your dream of truth, to understand what it is, for you may have many. It may be something that seems as if it is out of your reach. It may be something that seems as if it is immensely frightening to achieve or impossible. This will be your dream of truth and I encourage you in the coming days in meditation or quiet time to ask within your being what is my dream of truth?


What is My Dream of Truth?


You may have one, or you may have many dreams of truth. Write them down so that you can see and feel them with greater ease. I encourage you in the coming days to really explore your dreams of truth.

Once you have explored your dreams of truth begin to ask the Creator, your guides, anyone you wish myself, Saint Germain, any being that you wish, to bring in any vibration of light to support you, and to support you in the manifestation, the expression and embodiment of your dream of truth.

In doing so you will bring forth the vibrations of the Creator, the truth of the Creator, the truth of your soul, and your soul group, and everything from your soul that requires to be manifested and experienced in your reality now.

You will be downloading energy into your being and into the Earth, into humanity and Mother Earth to support humanity and Mother Earth experiencing truth, as it is so important now. It is a shift in perspective and a shift in understanding that is required upon the Earth. A new connection, a heightened connection with the Creator and a heightened expression of the Creator.


I wish to come forth to you next week to continue this conversation. For now, please encourage yourself to explore your dream of truth. Think big, think expansively, beyond limits because that is the truth of the Creator.


I thank you,


Blessings be with you, I am Saint-Germain

More Saint-Germain - https://omna.org/saint-germain-list-of-channel...

To watch the video of Natalie's message, or get a free download of her message, click on this link:


Infinite Blessings of God's Christ Love & Enlightenment, Infinity Healing, Violet Flame, & Peace, Joy, & Abundance that are All Divinely Perfect for Each of You in Every Moment !

Steven Hutchinson

Video - "Galactic Message + Light Language Releasing Toxins & Clearing Bloodstream"



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Up in Mount Shasta city there are shops with photos of St Germaine as he is called, because so many people have seen him up on the meadow and heard his voice

That's interesting Tara, and thanks so much for sharing. I wonder if anyone got any good channeled messages from St Germaine?


Multi Dimensional Reality

The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament"  or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.

A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
 the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...

Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.

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