Elven World Healing Arts: GridWorker & Geo Artists, Sacred Geome

GridWorkers & GeoArtists, Sacred Geometry Nature inspired poetry, dance & song

~HOW PEOPLE MANIPULATE & CONTROL,The Root of All Evil - The Virus of Faith (full length)~

~HOW PEOPLE MANIPULATE & CONTROL,The Root of All Evil - The Virus of Faith (full length)~


The bible was manipulated by the dark hates to instill fear in man so that man would never understand or dare to understand their own
divinity. Do not for a moment think that fear was created by Jesus or some invisible G-d. Jesus was seen as a man who was more of a wise prophet of sorts,he did not teach through fear, he taught through love.

The bible has been truly manipulated and only bits of history truth are left, if
you know how to find them. FEAR was embedded so that we can remain
subservient NOT so we can 'Learn' anything. How can you learn anything
through fear if your afraid to learn?

Yes there is darkness and light in all beings but not fear. Fear is a
completely different 3rd dimensional creation for control. All you have
to do is turn on the T.V. or read a newspaper to get your daily dose.
Go to the hospital to be told so many things can threaten your life.
Talk to your neighbor to hear how they are afraid of not making it, or
of loosing their job or of not being able to make payments etc etc.
Fear hinders not enlightens. It causes you to not venture beyond our
comfort zone, it causes you to not welcome truth because your to afraid
of consequences. Never does it welcome change or for you to venture on.
If something hinders you in the least bit you can see it is not for your

The Bible continues to be at the center of so many current events due
to the fact that the book of revelations talks about things we
currently see countless similarities to.But are these acts of a invisible G-d and so called
angels or is the Bible being used to manipulate the people into
believing so? This question is always at the heart of it all when we
talk about Bible prophecy because simply there is no evidence in angels of any kind
having a hand in those, but many that its human beings only who are causing
disasters which can easily be attributed to these prophecies so many follow.


Brilliant Documentary well worth watching on how Religion taints the minds of far too many and is like pure 'Evil In My Veins' in my eyes..

I don't mean to put anyone down here personally,or be seen as an attack on you personally speaking, as a lot of you have made some fine and valid points with your beliefs, and the rest of you, I am afraid I do not have enough knowledge to discern on those matters.

I do know this; when it comes to religious matters, the false dichotomy of "choice" vs. "genetic disposition" is a non-issue. It's a red herring proposed by people with an anti-homosexual agenda, who would blame the Holocaust on homosexuals if they could get away with it. Remember, these folks believe they are justified in the blood of Jesus, which essentially equates to a sort of half-f@#ked public-relations "fair game" policy. If they really had to, if it all came down to the wire, they'd tell you they had records of UFO contacts and make it available to the public, if they felt it would preserve the Church, and therefore their jobs, only to recant years later when it was safe to do so and get back to their old tricks again.

Also remember where the Catholic faith originated from; Rome. I'm not talking about Christianity in general, I'm talking about the Catholic faith, and all it's Protestant spin-offs. This whole faith originated with an Emperor demanding homogeneity under a single control multi-meme. The result was the Council of Nicaea, and the resulting Catholic (which means "Universal") Church. The result was a usurped spirituality that was turned into a religion for control. But the Romans were no stranger to usurpation, everything they had they didn't just get inspired by other people, they outright stole it.

Another point is to take into consideration the mentality of the Roman elite. Three things they excelled at warfare, intrigue and controlling the masses. This is the legacy of the Roman empire, that which is truly prevalent in our society today. Yes, while it's true that they didn't come up with this stuff on their own, and I'm sure there were other parties who contributed to the mess we're in today, they compiled all this data and put a brand name on it. It's no wonder a Church birthed from Rome would continue this legacy.

So why hate on homosexuality, not just for them being gay, bisexual, or non-binary then?  Roman men were free to enjoy sex with other males without a perceived loss of masculinity or social status, as long as they took the dominant or penetrative role. Acceptable male partners were slaves and former slaves,prostitutes, and entertainers, whose lifestyle placed them in the nebulous social realm of infamia, excluded from the normal protections accorded to a citizen even if they were technically free. Although Roman men in general seem to have preferred youths between the ages of 12 and 20 as sexual partners...So why the disdain for it, since the Roman empire supposedly lavished in it?

It fits right nicely with the concept of controlling the masses. If you recall, any sex outside of marriage is a no-no, and even during marriage, it's only for making babies. So, sex in general is considered bad unless it's to pump out more potential Catholics for the Church. Repressed sexual frustration has to manifest itself in other ways, and generally it manifests itself in religious activities in this case.

Homosexuality has the added loss of not producing more followers for the Church, and in general is a painful reminder of the Church's true roots. Lack of production, in addition to "bad press", makes the Church sound like more of a corporation than a religion, which specializes in mind control. In fact, religion could be considered the oldest form of "corporation." (a corporeal entity treated as a single individual unit)

The Catholic Church does not take into consideration potential population problems either resulting from their procreation policy, in fact it cannot because the Standard Operating Procedure was set centuries ago and it took them years to say "sorry about that whole Hitler thing." They have a mission statement and cannot do anything but move forward with it. They must create conflict, strife and destructive, divisive memes because it's all it knows how to do, it's their own nature to "conquer or destroy." Even if it could attempt to change that, it would cease to be the Catholic Church, it's very foundation was to homogenize or destroy people, and it would fall apart. Corporations may lack a vital element, which is empathy, but it does indeed have a survival instinct, and will do anything it feels that is in it's power to preserve that. That's not to say the Vatican's gonna go to war with the world, but they certainly would disregard a few of their own tenets for a little while if it felt it would keep them afloat.

Ok I've rambled on long enough, my main point is this; The Catholic Church despises homosexuality because it's trying to hide it's own "sordid" Roman past, because it doesn't manufacture more Catholics for them, and that homosexuals make the best potential priests because of that repressed sexual energy, and that it serves as a sort of "Ace in the hole" for the Church if those priests get out of line. And same with many other religions though I might add how about the abusive emotional manipulation and sexual predator antic's of Christian preaching pastors as well,oh dont forget about them also,not just the Catholic Church,those who brain wash all their congregation follower sheeple to keep control of the mass's to conformity. 

Oh, and the whole "choice" verses "genes" issue is a load of bull, it shouldn't even be taken seriously as a political issue. Then again, politicians are just a myth anyway. And I'm beginning to think that the Catholic Church is as well. They're both just too damn transparent and obnoxious to actually exist, they're like cartoon characters....OOOPs did I say all that..Ghod damn who mentions religion round here should be shot for getting me started..take everything I just said with a grain of salt if you so have to, some of the time I'm just jiving other times I make perfect sense..


This is proof that people manipulate the bible to suite their needs just as it was done when it first came on the earthly scene to control & brainwash people:

Conservapedia is a right-wing, American Christian website. They
believe G-d is a harsh judge and a stern father. They aren't happy with
the bible. They claim the bible has been 'polluted by liberals'.

So they are writing a new version...


They also openly admit that their new version of the bible will reflect
their beliefs and that their aim is to re-write the bible so that it
doesn't contain things they don't like. We can see [link above], with
our own eyes, a group of radical Christians forcing their political
beliefs into the bible again. Their plan is to stop, "the infiltration of
churches by liberals pretending to be Christian" That is a very
dangerous, extreme statement, and these people are openly writing their
own version of the bible!

Is this anecdotal evidence that the bible has always been twisted and
re-written to suit the political flavor of the times. Is the bible
really the unchanged message of a G-d?

If Conservapedia believes they have the divine authority to edit the
bible, isn't it safe to conclude that, historically, many other groups
have done the same? How can Christians claim the bible is the true word
of a invisible G-d? The bible is clearly a political football kicked about by
various groups, written and re-written again and again.

(And besides, if the previous versions were 'polluted by liberals',
surely, logically, that means there has never been a clean version of it at all full stop?)

Views: 25

Multi Dimensional Reality

The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament"  or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.

A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
 the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...

Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.

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