Elven World Starseeds

Soul Star Travelers, Elven World, Tuatha de Danann, EarthStar Nation

Details 2 - The named goddess sisters.

Sisters Of Danu

When the Tuatha Dé Danann went to the "Island of Destiny", six sisters went along with the other gods with three of them having one goal in mind, that being to have the new land named after them. Éiru ultimately won that. Over time her name was twisted in translation and changes to Éire, then to Ire. The land of Ire, or as it's known today; Ireland.

The idea behind this was to mix Irish mythology with some archeology. Weapons and other offerings were gifted to water springs throughout the Neolithic, Bronze Age and Ironage on the isles which is probably why spirals were used as decorations for thousands of years using either blue woad or carvings. "Celts" were pretty prone to collecting heads too. The idea was that the three sisters are asking for the Danu to name the island after them. Take the myths with a grain of salt though, they're mostly written by Christain scholars. I had fun carving stuff out in this though and mixing in all the archeology stuff.

 The Morrígna sisters (crows)

Details 1 - The Morrígna sisters (crows)

The Border Guardian

The theme around the piece is very much based on the border between the land of the living and the land of the dead in British and Irish prehistorical landscapes. Places like stone henge are often dedicated to ancestors and have entire areas which were almost segregated as the land of the dead. Stone, in general, was associated with ancestry whereas wood was dedicated to life with a special relationship surrounding water in the centre of it all. If there ever was "border guardians" we may never know, but It was fun to think about as I worked through this piece.

The Queen of Io

Io is the closest moon of Jupiter, its almost the exact same size as our own moon but with the interesting effect of it being one of the most violent places in our solar system. Reason behind it is that because three of Jupiter's moons (including Io) line up periodically, with the moon being between both the two other moons and Jupiter its self, it quite literally distorts by about 100 meters; as a result the kinetic energy heats up the small moon to the point there is constant eruptions happening. It's one of the most fascinating places in our solar system.

This piece overall gave me hell. It was almost abandoned a couple of times but I've came to a result where I'm okay to let it go. All Photoshop over about 12 hours (way too long)

British Neolithic Monument - 3000BC

Been reading some history this week, thought Id have a go at illustrating a henge in situ. For the most part, Historians have no idea what the stone circles were actually for. They have various alignments to astrology and they have found burials in and around them, but they dont know if they were used strictly for the dead, worship to a higher power or if indeed they were just clocks for Neolithic people to use for their crops. I would like to think they were used for all of those things on some level and not just to make sacrifices to a god long-forgotten.

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Replies to This Discussion

Ahhh the standing stones :) the circles on the rock too that I put in my painting, the sword too and the hill.  In my painting the standing stones were below the shape of blue green.  I painted a white owl on the rock with the circular marks on.  

Was I seeing something via remote viewing maybe???..I obviously havnt seen your painting to compare anything,..I posted this last night,... but does one see a connection somehow,how strange that your picture you started has everything that this guy put in his..

Whatever happened it certainly happened in the same time sequence, or as much of it that could when the time difference is 12 hrs, you being ahead by half a day Vlada.  One of those moments I guess.  I mentioned on your photo trip yesterday that I saw images in that which were like my painting too, it's Avalon perhaps.  Could be Avalon is emerging from the mist and we're both picking up on it.

Woah interesting,so could the smoking oak tree be from there also and thats why I'm seeing it so clearly?..mind you many strange things happen around me,synchronicity is one big time, Ametrine & I used to post almost the same videos at the same time,or I bet her to it and she comments and says I was gonna post that but got side tracked..but many other weird things have gone on around me more than around other people for years..I thought it had more to do with my wacko frequencies..

Maybe all our wacko energies and synchronising Vlada.  When I said that I saw a small white flash on the screen as if to say Yes!  One of my bright dots, a message from spirit...never sure on that one but I'll go with it.

Like minded souls meet like minded souls is what I've found online in my friendships.  I often used to wish to meet a soul such as this in my day to day life, to a degree it did, but then day to day friends concentrate on the physicality of the world, whereas online friends/souls meet because of a shared interest in the life as a wholeness.

As consciousness opens up more and more we will each notice more and more and feel more and more

I think you're normal anyhow as normal as me and sometimes I do wonder about me in that respect as I dont see things as most people.

Ametrine is very open, knowing and a loving spirit I believe and I saw her as a like minded soul when we met online.   I think it was on the power of blessings network, then I asked her to join me on poetry group.

I've noticed with you too that you were as frustrated with ANewGaia as I was and that you enjoyed Rumi and joined my crystal group.  Om one of the network creators wanted me to be active there but for years I ran the Ning poetry site and didn't have the time to run ANewGaia.  Like you I felt frustrated with the lack of anything posted that wasn't Hans Ascension Blog.  The energy went when all the big posters either migrated to Facebook or Wordpress.

Yes online to me is like a book with blank pages eagerly awaiting the introduction of someones mind & soul efforts with words to converse with others,.. so yes ANewGaia was frustrating me for sure, I couldn't figure out even why anyone would want to continue posting just crap on one blog post by two people only, back n forth in copy paisted text with no thought of what they were doing...that is not social networking at all,and I noticed the energy placed on that post was not good either all negative stuff & political propaganda,no wonder people left the site,though I tried to garner what was left to being it back to life, all I got back was just more opposition and more negativity..why people do this IDK..Then to be treated like I'm some evil being by simply the words in my email address by the owner of GFOL I was like woah someones really sick in their mind...So I am Glad you saw me fully though & think I'm normal Julie, I believe Ametrine does too..shes been around a while with my energies now ..we have had a few good full body laughs along the way over the years & a mass of our bantering & sharing..

Your right when you say: 'Like minded souls meet like minded souls' I'm a firm believer on this too, they will see your light when they are ready to see it I was told..& someone else said to me years ago, Oh Vlada your way too bright for many so you tend to blindside them lol..since being online since 2008 I've received many wonderful words of appreciation from people I've helped as a mentor to them with compassion & LoVe along with the opposite a mass of abusive & volatile words as well in debates & clashes of personalities.. Raven has been the main backbone of wisdom to all these people.  Every once in a while, despite our own deepest sorrows and harshest experiences in this life - someone, somewhere, is able to "make a difference" in the world. This, is how I feel. We are products of our pasts, but there are those that see beyond that, change, and accept that we are who we were meant to be. Despite one's own pain, comes a desire and a need to help others, to connect, to feel love, kindness,empathy and compassion...and for every soul I help online & in my reality it ripples through my soul and I heal a little part of myself in the process... This is my view of the type of person that I have become. I will keep going & plod on until I can no longer feel that my presence is required anywhere I suppose..only then will I will fly off into the sunset..

WILDLIFE - Environteers

I too joined online in 2008.  There was the first Gaia Community that went down, due to what I can't remember, but I've got an idea it was perhaps financial.  At this time Siona moved us onto Ning...it was like a mass migration which felt like we were all landing on a new planet.  There were two parts to ANewgaia, I seemed to belong more to the Gaia Minute side which was run in part by Meenakshi, so my influence there was Indian based, mantra and lots of online meditation groups.  I kept out of the internal squabbling which was ruining the feel of the site, so much so that it felt more comfortable for me just to be on poetry showcase.

I've been on many networks through this journey, meeting many wonderful people, my main focus being tuning into what's been said and unsaid thus leading to many writings of poetry, many different types of poetry, and my interest in crystals being a constant.

You're doing good work Vlada

Thank-you I do feel I am doing good work yes, plus I like nothing more the banter online with others,but my light also seems to attract the vampiric PSI insects persey.. who wish to such my energy light source with their drama's & bickering cos every where I go they seem to come out the woodwork n turn up sadly,....so many years online crazy aye.. so the next step I believe is the creating of space for the broken to learn self healing without attaching religion or selling them a cure or pill. The true understanding that everything you need is already within, it just takes time, experience, and a foundation to overcome. Once you overcome,you begin to shine your light on others. This high-level thinking causes a chain reaction where we are all lifting each other up with our own foundations being so strong,.. right...now whats those sayings: 'it takes a village to raise a child' & the 100th monkey story.. that It only takes 1% of the population to tip the scales and effect a change in consciousness, .. We have the potential here to be a part of that experiment and to help facilitate this universal consciousness change its kinda like that, we all help in our own ways,and those who take it up will help change the planet..yup so I'm doing it alright..

You can only make choices for yourself. You can offer to help others find their way, but it is the… | Daily inspiration quotes, Inspirational quotes, Helping others

These are awesome, wow.

Sure are,glad you like them as much as I do..


Multi Dimensional Reality

The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament"  or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.

A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
 the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...

Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.

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Ametrine -(MHZ) replied to Julie's discussion Lavender in the group Green Thumb Gardeners
"What a good idea! Yes the oils in the Lavender are great"
1 hour ago
ënagualí~ᏉLAᗪἇ ኔጡ። replied to Julie's discussion Lavender in the group Green Thumb Gardeners
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ënagualí~ᏉLAᗪἇ ኔጡ። replied to Julie's discussion Lavender in the group Green Thumb Gardeners
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""Happy Birthday!""
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Ametrine -(MHZ) replied to Julie's discussion Lavender in the group Green Thumb Gardeners
"yes, thy are great for many things, I use one for pain too, I have an other beeswax ointment a friend of mine creates, for skin regeneration with , propolis and herbal oils of calendula, Chamomile and evening primrose essential oil ..it is so so…"
Julie replied to Julie's discussion Lavender in the group Green Thumb Gardeners
"That sounds real good Vlada, I've made some little drawer sachets with lavender inside, I had an old lacy blouse I cut up, had to make sure the holes in the lace weren't too big as the bags seem to shed bits, probably the seeds inside the…"
Julie replied to Julie's discussion Lavender in the group Green Thumb Gardeners
"thanks Ametrine, I've made beeswax candles and my version of "pain cream"  which reminds me I need to make up another pot, its great for joints"
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