~...Meditational Vision - The Silver Dragon Like Serpent...~
All images sourced from google search are representations only..
I had a animated type of dream vision or a total head rush light show occur during a state of meditation...within it speaking about the 12 DNA strands infusions & cartesian cordinate veca codes into one and the seraph silver light serpents and the dreamer...wth..
Split down from the central eye
The greater path entwined for eternity
Come they may to be merged again
When the process of ascension opposed to descension
See the liquidious fractions
held on by the Ray of blue
shall the merged walk
To crawl over the stones towards the hills
Shall they offer up their infinite souls
And ascend back where the realization is... that not one but two
Cast from the pineal Seed..
Then a white sphere of light appeared then it turned into a triangle of light with this weird stuff which had formed around it and it began spinning, then another and another until nine triangles were then spinning faster and faster and suddenly a blue spiral projected out and it enveloped me...this was seen while I was conscious and with my eyes closed...
then I went deeper...
Next I knew I was spinning in this blue vortex of light, and was turning into a liquid plasma that had tinted blue, like a liquid but glowing like mercury silver...think I was in my 6th chakra..
But I saw this in the form of a serpent, which is weird as I'm not very keen on snakes & despite having a red dragon spirit lesson guide years back I still didn't understand the connection.. being that they are reptilian in nature and I dont see myself as a reptile, but continued moving on as it had some importance..and I still felt connected to this in some way to find out.
I felt like I was in a dream state then stepping through dimension after dimension via a transparent or invisible moving wall, each step I took through this wall, a void would open up and expand outwards to another..each dimension I stepped into then spun and changed to match my own soul frequency, symbiotic in nature...triangles were every where floating in space turning and twisting like fractals so I knew I could see into it...
I looked down and found myself stepping on what looked like rippling water stepping stones, yet I was suspended in mid air, where as when I looked out I saw the geometric fractals moving and clicking into different formations, all swirling like liquid then solidifying..
Then a silver looking serpent dragon came out of each fractal and swirled and formed what looked like galaxies with twinkling stars all around expanding and folding outwards,almost robotic in nature..then these serpents all changed their colours to florescent colours and glistened like a fire Opel stone in the sun shine..they then picked me up and as I looked at them I become like them transparent like, I could see into them as they could see into me so merging..
Woah this was so weird,trippy or what!... I thought & my head felt like it was glowing white hot, but I kept my mind centred on this vision scape unfolding before me..this serpent told me it was creating a magnetic wave and making it spin on a plasma field,I didn't understand what it was saying but listened intently,it continued to tell me that it was part of its duty to create in this place it called 'The multidimensional Universe' and that without them doing this my reality as I knew it would not exist on this 3D planet..
This intrigued me more I was like thinking what is this all about?... and so I politely asked it to tell me more and to continue..it said I wasn't ready yet to fully understand the processes but that it, created interweaving waves of plasma this made the dimensional field more stable,kinda like when you look through a magnifying glass at first your eyes see things blurry, but the closer you bring the magnification inwards towards your eye, the clearer the visual aspect becomes..
It was right I didn't understand what it was on about still..but it continued and said its to do with the sacred geometric energy fields of the universe, and the spinning of vortex's to create everything we see as a perpetual fluid movement,much like our universe and galaxies and that nothing was solid everything was fluid..
I told this serpent I was not up on any scientific terminologies,it nodded at me in agreeance however, but still continue.. as I looked out into this dark void surrounding me, I then saw glowing rays of blue light spinning in a figure 8 around a central core of what looked like a red fire.. the serpent then said to me, that's my soul's original twin in the very centre of its core. I looked at it puzzled,kinda questioning the terminology of the words 'Original twin'.??.....
As I saw no human form or shape, it then said, step outside your human mind of rational thinking,to your higher-self and then enter your soul core self,and unite this then it will receive you with your twin soul, to merg together.. it is sending out a signal to connect to it to become whole..waves of an electrical charge then sprang forth from this blue light spinning in a figure 8 like a fire flame would do..
I stepped back instantly before it touched me.. as I did, that a huge fractal bubble came up below me and pushed me closer to the tendrils coming out of this central core, and one entered my solar plexus.. instantly while I was floating my whole body almost felt like it had burst into flames of white & blue fire light..it was then I heard a voice, a voice of such blissful frequencies, it told me to transform to my light body so he could infuse himself fully within me and I would be given star coordinate vecta codes he held direct download into my DNA string..
I felt fear suddenly and the blue colours in the light started to leach a different shade and rippled, the silver dragon like serpent then came back up to me again and said that's my fallen consciousness and it was not necessary to hold it in my vibration here in this place...tears started then to flow down my face at this point, I looked down at my hands and they were starting to look like shattered cracked glass and solidifying..
I was in effect no longer fluid..so no longer was I part of the fractal plasma field in this particular dimension,..
I suddenly felt a panic feeling race through my body why I dont know I wasn't in fear.. and I saw myself then instantly sitting at my computer with my head phones on it was like as if I was suddenly pulled out from it by something else against my will .. the vision had then just dissolved and I had returned to my 3D body & consciousness..damn I thought as I opened my eyes, I want to go back to that place again..so much is still unknown, so many questions unanswered
I hope I do return to it next time I meditate into it..as I want to understand heaps more to what its about..
Raven Leads My Way Again..
Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ ኔጡ።.aka Reɪvən ღ
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You have good recall Vlada, perhaps this time is right to further your meditation
Thank you, Vlada.
I keep saying all is held in your Lahun chakra of all experiences you have.. so I can go back to them for recall, however it dosnt explain why I had them though,I also have to be careful I dont loose myself in my meditations and go so deep I cant find my way back to self [a little trigger fear left over from when I left the planet in my psychosis state I think but not sure]..
So my question is,is the subconscious mind separate from the body,ever wondered about the dream world being not of this world but another entirely..
I'll give another example:-
When I listen to new music I listen to the instruments, then pick out the words later...I mean the tune is what catches me not the lyrics themselves...now I'll tell you another experience on similar track..
One night I had a dream that was very confusing, a week or so later I decided to listen to a song I had been listening too off and on and listen to the lyrics this time, to my shock the lyrics described the whole dream I had. Somewhere in my head some part of my brain was listening to the lyrics even though I personally was not, and it manifested into a dream maybe?,but why I dont know...so is the subconscious mind outside of the body & does it have its own path it follows?...
I've had many weird experiences in my life and some I'm not able to explain in my reality to others because they havn't had similar experiences,but from that day forwards I somehow can just go to music videos on youtube persey and find messages within the lyrics of songs to give to people when I'm having conversations with them online,...they say to me how did I know the lyrics had a significance to their situation they were talking about with me, I had to admit I didn't, and I was somehow guided to the song & video, because I didn't even know the artist at all nor had I even listened to the song before I sent it to them,... so whats going on with this do you think I'm tapping into a pre-programmed computer like subconscious mind of sorts or what?
We dont understand this reality on the planet as it is, science investigates it on deeper levels but still cant pin point exactly how it works..I'm just often over thinking and yet terrified one day someone might think I really do have a un-diagnosed mental illness, but I dont..I tend to open thought on different levels thats all.. I think because understanding consciousness gives you better control over your navigation through this world..thank-you for at least connecting on this post, I havn't had any one else who has even managed to open any thought into these things..even though I deeply embrace a meditation practice,meditation itself dosn't often give me any answers either..deep comprehension of the nature of consciousness, that it is all that there is, as many experimentally discovered through fine tuning their own potential of perception since ages past. This is the future, where science now meets spirituality and we really start to tap into our collective potential..but some people still online just cant seem to offer any deep insight on anything,so I think its because I'm on another level beyond theirs maybe?...so I wonder off on my own accord but come back when people speak with me on a topic..maybe one day I will find that person on the same level as myself who will come back and speak to me in more depth?..
The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament" or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.
A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...
Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.
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