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Traditional] Why do gnomes wear pointy hats? : r ...

Just why do Gnomes wear pointy red hats..

Gnomes have worn their iconic red hats for many thousands of years, since the days when wizards used them for manual labor in strip mines.

Originally symbols of subservience, pointy red hats became a symbol of pride after the vegetable patch riots of 465 A.D., when Grumblebump Licklequip VII led the gnomes to freedom. 

After the battle, Grumblebump removed the blood-soaked hat of a dead wizard, placed it on his head, and declared, “It’s OK, I’m taking it back.” this will protect me from anything from above like falling acorns & pine cones when sleeping under the trees..

but there is way more history to it,..

read more from link below:


Traditional] Why do gnomes wear pointy hats? : r ...

What else do Gnomes wear?

Gnomes are fun loving, full of pranks like the little fellow in the picture.  His wife is trying to see how much she weighs and he is holding his finger on the scale.  The adult male weights about 300 grams and the female slightly less, between 250 - 275 grams.

The females dress in long skirts and long sleeve blouses, usually in camouflage colours so as not to be detected by man or beast. Their pointed hat is also greenish to blend in with the underbrush. A gnome wears the same kind of clothing summer and winter.

The male wears a red pointed cap. Brown trousers that bulge at the side and long sleeved over-blouse. A wide leather belt holds a tool pouch, containing a knife, hammer, drill and files. His boots are made of deerskin in the Northern countries. Or short boots made of birch bark, and yes even wooden clogs. In the house they wear felt boots to keep their feet warm.

prompthunt: undead gnome female character, fantasy character, 8k, highly detailed

The female clothing is rather drab. Mostly gray and khaki. The ankle length skirt and knee high socks prevent grass cuts or twigs from hurting them.

Because of the dark clothing, they can easily be mistaken for a mouse or other small animal and become the prey of owls and get hurt very badly.

So they remain mostly in the house.

Humans have a great deal of difficulty spotting them.

The female, if picked up by a human will play possum until she is released.

The young girls (79 years) will wear a green hat until she is married, then she will hide her hair under a scarf and darker cap.

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The adult male usually has a long grey beard.

Gnomes are typically born with only short goatees that grow slowly over time. By the time they reach their 400th birthday, a gnome’s beard will have reached its full length and cease to grow. By this time, the beard roots itself in the jawbone and becomes a permanent fixture of the gnome’s skeletomuscular system. For this reason, even fossilized gnome bones have beards.

On rare occasions, a gnome is born with a handlebar mustache instead of a goatee. Born as outcasts, they are often shunned and grow up to hate their gnome brethren. These anti-gnomes typically spend their lives laying poorly-designed traps for their bearded brothers, which often backfire to hilarious effect.

Their skin colouring is generally fair with very red cheeks, the nose is straight and perhaps turned up. The eyes are mostly grey; the few differences are because of cross breeding with the Trolls and elves in earlier times.

The wrinkles in their faces are due to laughing. But can also suddenly look serious and the eyes are very penetrating. Gnomes do not see so much the material presence before them, but rather probe the real self and view the landscape therein to such an extent that no secret remain.

Like the eskimo habit of rubbing noses, the gnome uses that gesture as friendly greetings . This allows for a more penetrating look into each others eyes. They have no secrets from each other and have only to glance at someone in the distance and right away, they know what is happening in that person's life, the inner self.

House in the book about Gnomes [4032x3024] : r/ThingsCutInHalfPorn

Gnome House in the Forest

A Gnomes starts building his home well before marriage. First he looks around for a spot in a garden or in the woods where moss grows. This indicates clean air, for otherwise the moss species would be dead.

Then he uses a divining rod, he makes certain there are no earth rays in the area. Next he looks for two oak trees not too far apart. Under the roots of one tree, on the south side, he makes a staircase, then digs a hidden entrance. From there he tunnels a crooked horizontal passageway under the trunk. This descends steeply after a short distance. Once more he tunnels horizontally to the second tree, and rises to where a rabbit has prepared a hollow for the house itself under the tree trunk. (All digging is done with greatest care so not to damage the tree roots)

The main direction of the house is always North-South. Where the passage rises, he builds an ascending stairway with a bannister. A gong and hammer are hung nearby. A welcome mat is placed at the bottom of the stairs.

Adorable Lazy Garden Gnome Taking a Nap

Dont touch a sleeping or injured Gnome

Thats right first Don’t touch it!...firstly it may not be hurt and just drunk & sleeping off drinking too much mead.. but It could also be playing dead and actually be armed.

First, you’ll want to determine its age by approximating the length of its beard. There’s a simple test for this — hold your hand flat with your fingers pressed together, each finger width should equal approximately 100 years of beard growth. If the gnome has a mustache instead, contact the authorities immediately.

Next, you’ll need to determine the severity of its injuries if it is hurt. Using a long stick, gently poke the gnome’s midsection. If it makes a noise like, “Oi! That feckin’ smarts!” then its injuries are likely not that severe. Simply leave it alone and it should leave your yard after a few minutes.

If the gnome makes a sound more like, “Ohhh, me toiny spleen…” the situation is more severe. Using gardening gloves, gently pick up the gnome and place it in a shoebox. You can try to feed it a small amount of honey water, but only if it comes in a cute bear bottle. If you can, try to wrap the gnome in a small towel and check on it every 15 minutes. If after 4 hours there is no sign of improvement, contact your nearest Dungeons and Dragons nerd and inform them of the situation.

If the gnome makes no sound at all but a dull tapping, you’re prodding a ceramic garden gnome. Good job, you’ve pissed off a nearby gnome colony.

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ohhh yeah!

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Multi Dimensional Reality

The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament"  or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.

A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
 the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...

Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.

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