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I still struggle with elven spirituality. How could it be defined, if it can even be defined? How can one be spiritual the elven way?

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I would think wouldn't that determine if you were a true Elven or a fake Elven wanna-be,..think about that for a minute,...here's my example in response to your question others may have their own thoughts & notions...

 I can volition-ally activate and refine my own energy level and am capable of activating specific energy centres. Then to transfer this energy through my physical presence and thereby directly induce an altered state of consciousness to give & pass wise thoughts to those who are open to me to receive them..how do I do as being a spiritual Elven to you, am I true to self or a fake Elven in your eyes?,see that is for you to determine of course and how do you do that, you sense into everything about me to find that out. I'm sure after knowing me for many years you have sensed into me and know I'm true to self and I'm Elven..There you go that's defining the Elven way. 

The elven spirit is in balance with the world. Each person incarnate either strives to meet this elven spirit by bringing their life into balance with the world or they do not... Judgement from outside of the self on whether said individual is a real or a fake elf is - counterproductive at best.. and corrosive to both spirits involved in the judgement at worst. You know who you are and how close you are to your elven spirit and you can see where you might make changes... I suggest you make the simplest easiest changes first, as that is what I am constantly doing.

Catherine it appears you actually missed the point Morell is not talking about any individual nor the Elven spirit though... shes talking about how to define what a true Elven spirituality is... or if its a fake Elven spirituality and even if it can be defined..so my comment is not a judgement of anyone in particular or anything, so it is not counter productive its actually productive in sourcing out the real truth, but you obviously couldn't see that, as that's how it is to you..and your welcome to your own conclusions on my wording also,because you dont understand who I am as a person...most people do as they think they are always in the right on everything these days. Elven spirituality is not like any religious spirituality its always connected to the earth & nature that is their spirituality in its full essence of their inner being. People need to understand that humanity here on this planet is not Elven... thus its a side effect of the shell he/she is encased in, at the moment there are many terms of being, it differs to whatever plane of consciousness we exist on at each time & the reality is life in the dream of our own personal envisioning.....know also that there is a suffering in this life that you must experience and I'm sorry but if you cannot learn to understand and embrace both good and bad in life and see both sides of the scope you will never advance your mental or emotional intellect..I choose to reap the rewards of being able to empathize and allow myself a better understanding of someone/something ..that's actually basic knowledge to break things down to absorb all sides of things..you cant have an action without a reaction,there is always both sides..to filter out one or the other..you miss out on the fundamental lesson otherwise..

Cate, having doubts is very useful thing sometimes and without seeking, without asking the truth cannot be found. Judgement from outside is sometimes incredibly helpful, for example you need outer judgement to realize that you had fallen into a dangerous cult/sect. Only some people can realize that themselves and act accordingly.

To speak about true and fake elves and fake elven spirituality is important, actually. I came to this question by reading one elven spirituality manifest, which seemed cool and deep at first, but before reaching half of the text, it became parody on Christianity. Reading from an "elf" that she doesn't want to end in land of eternal suffering... I just made silent facepalm on that.

So yeah, I ask. Since I'm deeply spiritual I seek in spirituality, but you could ask simply what makes elf an elf? I look into spirituality as that is most close to my heart. True, real elven spirituality can be followed by non elf, no denial there. But it is still truth that I deeply desire to discover. I think it is worth seeking it out.

Vlada, I'm not sure if you are an elf, it is quite possible. But I'm quite sure that you are true to yourself.

Good evening beloved friends, I love this question and I find it very deep and pertinent Morell, thank you so much for sharing it with us. . Vlada, has written and shared words that resonate deeply with my heart.  . "Elven spirituality is not like any religious spirituality its always connected to the earth & nature that is their spirituality in its full essence of their inner being. People need to understand that humanity here on this planet is not Elven... thus its a side effect of the shell he/she is encased in, at the moment there are many terms of being, it differs to whatever plane of consciousness we exist on at each time & the reality is life in the dream of our own personal envisioning" 

I have seen it clearly in dream time, I saw myself going through a portal  in the ground, it was in a little house deep in the forest..through it I passed into what my spirit recognized or called the  Elven world, I knew it was my Home in another timeline, but I was expected, the place was luxuriously green and the women who were waiting for me, were singing one of the most beautiful sounds I have ever heard...but then again it was Dreamtime:o)))

Ahhh Ametrine have I missed you, I do hope you had a glorious time on your holiday away with your family & children and I'm so pleased you are back, I was thinking on you just yesterday in fact at the same time I was looking at photo's of the British Queen and I thought to myself Oh dear shes not far from passing away as I noted her hands were deep purple but wasn't sure if it was just the photographer,why I thought that IDK and then damn this morning the news came she had actually passed this very morning.. bless her shes now seated alongside her beloved husband,...Now you may have actually met you cosmic soul Mother by the sound of what your saying here,well that's what I got from it, you would know 100% of course..to me also man kind is walking each their own path. Balancing experiences along the way. Trying hard to reach wherever it is they are trying to reach. Each with their own light ahead of them yes..

On Maldek the folk all had Elven shaped ears Morell so were we termed as Elven I'm not really sure,do ears define a being to a specific gender???...also thank-you for seeing me fully,I see you ever so clearly through my own Raven eyes and I believe you see me through yours after all these years online,..I support you on the journey..you at least are learning what is real spiritual and what is just religious infusions.

Morell Sunweaver said:

Cate, having doubts is very useful thing sometimes and without seeking, without asking the truth cannot be found. Judgement from outside is sometimes incredibly helpful, for example you need outer judgement to realize that you had fallen into a dangerous cult/sect. Only some people can realize that themselves and act accordingly.

To speak about true and fake elves and fake elven spirituality is important, actually. I came to this question by reading one elven spirituality manifest, which seemed cool and deep at first, but before reaching half of the text, it became parody on Christianity. Reading from an "elf" that she doesn't want to end in land of eternal suffering... I just made silent facepalm on that.

So yeah, I ask. Since I'm deeply spiritual I seek in spirituality, but you could ask simply what makes elf an elf? I look into spirituality as that is most close to my heart. True, real elven spirituality can be followed by non elf, no denial there. But it is still truth that I deeply desire to discover. I think it is worth seeking it out.

Vlada, I'm not sure if you are an elf, it is quite possible. But I'm quite sure that you are true to yourself.

I missed you too Vlada, thank you, for your Light. 

Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ ኔጡ። said:

Ahhh Ametrine have I missed you, I do hope you had a glorious time on your holiday away with your family & children and I'm so pleased you are back, I was thinking on you just yesterday in fact at the same time I was looking at photo's of the British Queen and I thought to myself Oh dear shes not far from passing away as I noted her hands were deep purple but wasn't sure if it was just the photographer,why I thought that IDK and then damn this morning the news came she had actually passed this very morning.. bless her shes now seated alongside her beloved husband,...Now you may have actually met you cosmic soul Mother by the sound of what your saying here,well that's what I got from it, you would know 100% of course..to me also man kind is walking each their own path. Balancing experiences along the way. Trying hard to reach wherever it is they are trying to reach. Each with their own light ahead of them yes..

Thanks people. At least I've got something, although it's very little. Yeah, humanity has a problem with their connection with the nature and themselves as well. But to find something really elvish is so difficult.

It makes it more difficult for me too, to be in touch with my own nature. Even worse it is so difficult to figure out my own nature, when everyone tells me what they want my nature to be... and try to make it my nature.

I feel you. 

Also it paints a deeper picture to who you are the more that's spoken upon these white pages.. yes..

Morell Sunweaver said:

Thanks people. At least I've got something, although it's very little. Yeah, humanity has a problem with their connection with the nature and themselves as well. But to find something really elvish is so difficult.

It makes it more difficult for me too, to be in touch with my own nature. Even worse it is so difficult to figure out my own nature, when everyone tells me what they want my nature to be... and try to make it my nature.

For sure, it is always easier to see others clearly than yourself, especially when you look carefully.

Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ ኔጡ። said:

Also it paints a deeper picture to who you are the more that's spoken upon these white pages.. yes..

Morell Sunweaver said:

Thanks people. At least I've got something, although it's very little. Yeah, humanity has a problem with their connection with the nature and themselves as well. But to find something really elvish is so difficult.

It makes it more difficult for me too, to be in touch with my own nature. Even worse it is so difficult to figure out my own nature, when everyone tells me what they want my nature to be... and try to make it my nature.


Multi Dimensional Reality

The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament"  or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.

A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
 the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...

Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.

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