Elven World Healing Arts Community

Nature Inspired Healing Arts & Spirituality


I Am a Soul in a Human Space Suit..

I am a soul in a human space suit. We all are.

I will not die when my body is no more, my soul will continue, as will everyone else’s. We came from other planets & realities and are here to experience this density, this reality; we are all on a journey an adventure upon this planet.

We all have our own destinies.

Some of us will wake up to reality, some of us will not.

I am awake; my soul is here to help, along with many other souls.

We are here to help save humanity from the darkness that has descended on us all.

We are here to help those that want to wake up.

We are here to help those who do not want to wake up.

We are all similar. If we hurt others, we hurt ourselves.

If we observe others we are observing ourselves.

We see in others what is in our own hearts not what is in theirs.

If we come from a place of love and understanding that is what we will receive back.

I see hatred and realise people are really hating themselves.

This life is hard and tough; this life drains us and takes away our humanity and empathy.

We are all conditioned from birth, conditioned to be afraid, to be afraid of being ourselves, we are crushed and lose sight of what we are.

Our self-esteem diminishes; our decisions start to come from a miserable place.

We are manipulated, religiously indoctrinated to and controlled from birth.

Our true power is hidden and thus taken away from us.

We can never be our true selves, we keep our true selves and feelings hidden, locked away, we go along with everyone else, afraid to stand out, afraid to be different, afraid of being outcast, afraid to speak out, to say what we are feeling, afraid of listening to our hearts.

We are fed contaminated food, we are given contaminated water, we are injected with poisonous substances, we are sprayed with chemicals, we are given dangerous medicines, all to keep us enslaved and under control, ill people are easier to control than healthy people and if many die on the way even better, less people to deal with...

And yet we still survive, we can still find love in our hearts. The darkness must be afraid, they must be very afraid, to use all these methods to subdue us to keep us down and under their control.

They brainwash us with TV shows, movies, news programs, magazines, newspapers, books and yet we still find the truth.

They are afraid we will find out the truth, the truth of what they have done, they are frightened and cowering in the corners.

They have been very clever for so long, their time has now come, their day is now over, our lights are shining, shining through the darkness, lighting up our souls, the earth and the universe for all to see.

The truth is the truth, nothing can change that, nothing can get in the way of the truth; nothing can hide from the truth. The truth will shine brighter than any lie or untruth; the truth will always win in the end. It’s just the way it is.

The darkness knows this, they have always known this and yet they still tried to hide it from us all.

They still tried to destroy us.

The day has come, I can feel it.

The light is shining, I can see it.

The energy is changing, the tide is turning.

This is our time. Our time to shine.

We are the Starseeds & Indigo children...

Eksatu tah luktu etra kultra em et se te moi..

Views: 49

Replies to This Discussion

Nice music.

Morell Its from Maynard James Keenans band 'Pacifier'.. but hes also from the Bands 'Tool' & 'A Perfect Circle'..he is a technical musical lyrical genius/ creator starseed as he uses fibonacchi sequences in his music creations, each one holds a hidden message if you can tap into them via your third eye .....I've been a fan of all of his works & music for many years, these video's often took me into other realms..heres some of them..

Mot really deep into that, but amazing visualizations, the guy really is an artist.

Yes hes a graphic artist of sorts, vocalist , songwriter, musician, record producer, actor, and winemaker,in other words cleaver as shit..lol..but he along with Pablo Lambardo from Tool got visionary artist Alex Gray to do the paintings for the dissectional cover art & infusion video format of Lateralus.

Dissectional Art for Tool's Lateralus CD | Alex Grey

Hmmm, can't say that I understand all the symbolism, but there was obviously a lot of work done in it. And it surely is beautiful.

Winemaker... I was wondering myself, whether I should make some homemade wine, as we have some wine growing in the garden, beautiful blue wine and rather sweet one too.

The guy on the picture with all those eyes seems scared while being drained from heart.

Alex Grays paintings are of glowing anatomical human bodies, images that “x-ray” the multiple layers of reality. His art is a complex integration of body, mind, and spirit.,He also goes into all human aspects even the other realms of reality via hallucinations & the holographic universe, out of body experiences,ufo's,alchemy,esoteric tree of life etc plus the religious notions of the light body & Christ consciousness/the God head ..in other words enlightenment ..not that I'm into these religious aspects,but I do get it and he goes very deep using cleaver ways to express it in his works...

Alex Grey: Why Visionary Art Matters | Burners.Me: Me, Burners and The Man

Alex Grey Beyond Art ~ Fractal Enlightenment

If You Were an Artist, How Would You Paint the Universal Christ? — Integral Christian Network

Indeed, religious things rally appear there, but the art is stunning. Incredible work.

Yeah hes certainly teaching the many aspects of self..

Thanks for posting this. It is relief to visit here and read this at the moment myself and some others of us are getting dragged thru it and I feel this gives me hope to pull up by bootstraps and deal. Looking forward to the rest of the thread

Yes with this world Covid pandemic going on around us,which the world has been through before & survived through it,it still brings with it the separation from our loved ones & close contact connections with others are starting to tear many apart & nerves are wearing thin. People in Auckland over here have been in level 3 lockdown for almost 4 months,violence has escalated big time with many gang stabbings & shooting & domestic abuse, its not a safe place or haven anymore... 

Yet nothing can stop me when I know what I want out of life--not viral pandemic's, language barriers, oceans, age differences, time differences, computer meltdowns, friend meltdowns, or listening to psytrance starting at 7pm all the night through to 9 am the next day & then still going to work with a huge smile on my face lol, thesis deadlines for my work projects, bitter old office ladies who try to give me the stampdown brushoff  just to get their own way over someone younger than themselves,climate change symptoms of dust & rainstorms, power outages, money shortages, ungrateful customers & clients, car problems, clothing issues.....you get the idea right.

I can only hope that the people around me see what caliber of a creature has beguiled them in their presence when I smile this infectious grin each day, greeting a new acquaintance or client like an old friend, loving every piece them & of life mercilessly--even the parts of people that really don't deserve it I forgive them regardless, just because I'm a true Starseed experiencing life in every Now moment...and my mission on this planet is to uplift as many humans as I can..with  PURE LOVE!..


Multi Dimensional Reality

The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament"  or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.

A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
 the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...

Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.

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