Our Mission By The Arcturians & Natalie Glasson
We extend our light, our vibration of freedom, and peace to you now. We are the Arcturians, we come forth as one voice and yet we are a collective. We come forth to share with you today our mission which means the intentions we hold at this time as well as our purpose, and role within the unfolding ascension.
We, the Arcturians, have been sharing our information and knowledge with many upon the Earth, especially those incarnate in physical bodies. We have been creating inspiration for some and for others we have been downloading with their conscious knowledge, wisdom, ideas, and plans.
Our purpose is to help awaken love and truth upon the Earth, you might like to call it helping to create heaven upon the Earth, or a greater remembrance of the Creator. Our purpose is aligned 100% with love and it is our mission to embrace, embody and empower the love of the Creator for all upon the Earth.
We are known upon the inner planes, as masters of light technology. We bring forth manifestations of light that support the creation of love, peace, and truth as well as the creation and expression of the Creator.
We create technology that empowers the Creator within each being, enabling and supporting the deepest, purest relationship and connection for all with the Creator. It is this we gift to humanity or more truthfully, it is this that we are reminding humanity of.
You all have the ability to create and manifest, this is your purpose, it is your natural ability. You also embody and hold access to the purest and highest vibration of light of the Creator. You can and do allow this light to flow through your being and be expressed in beautiful ways.
You are already masters of light technology and this is something that we wish to enhance within your being, especially those that truly feel aligned to this mission upon the Earth.
Technology has been used for much time now and through many generations and civilisations upon the Earth. Often technology can be created from lower vibrations. When you create technology, especially light technology, there is a need to have an expansive mind, and to adopt the energy of the limitless vibrations of the Creator.
When you create light technology from this seat of essence of the Creator, then anything and everything is possible. You create light technology that nurtures and nourishes everything and everyone.
When you create technology from a desire, need, a lack, or a want for control or power, the technology is created from a lower vibration. It will only support humanity and all beings to some extent and could also cause negative impacts.
Our purpose, the Arcturians, is to inspire the creation of light technology from the seat of limitless, expansive freedom of the Creator, creating technology that is filled with light, and that fills every being with light, and develops with the ascension process. You could say light technology is open-ended, it continues, evolves, and grows to continue to support, nurture and nourish every being upon the Earth.
This is what we are downloading and activating within those who are specifically receptive to our energies and who hold the purpose of bringing forth light technology and inspiring others to do so. You do not need to be technically minded; you do not need to be able to even follow a plan or to create something physically with your hands.
What we are asking of humanity in this moment is to open your mind, to expand your heart and your entire being to the prospect that there is light technology, and that we, the Arcturians and many other beings are anchoring this light technology into the Earth now.
Please also be open and receptive to the reality that you are a master of light technology and understand it perfectly. We wish for you to be accepting and receptive that light technology will begin to manifest upon the Earth now, for this is the most important thing.
Video - "Breaking Through - Seeding Divine Change & Self-Revelation By Judy Satori
There is a need for you to be open and receptive to the manifestation of light technology in the physical realms. As new technology comes forth, we the Arcturians invite you to connect with your soul and your soul group within, and to connect with your intuition.
Ask yourself, is the technology coming forth of a lower vibration or is it light technology?
You have the ability and the power to understand and to recognise which technology is of a lower vibration, and which is light technology. This simple recognition is immensely important because it allows for the continued manifestation of light technology.
We also invite you to gain a meditative state, focus upon your breathing, gain a quiet space within your being, and hold the intention or acknowledgement of opening your mind, heart, and your entire being to our light technology.
Invite us to download our energy into your being and the Earth. This is concerning the manifestation of light technology. There is a need for humanity to open, receive and consent for light technology to be anchored.
Remember it is to support and nurture the ascension process for evermore. There is a need to open, receive and claim it, in doing so you will receive energy from us. If it is not for you to bring forth light technology, you will receive the energy, maybe even the plans so you may ground them into the Earth and the collective consciousness of humanity.
If you do have an ability to bring forth technology, putting it into action, and physical manifestation upon the Earth, then you will be given this inspiration along with the energy, vibrations, and frequencies, in truth everything you need to bring this forth into reality upon the Earth. You may even find that many Arcturian beings come forth to be with you as guides at this time.
What We Ask Of You Now
All we ask of you now is to be open and receptive to the presence of light technology and how it will manifest in your reality.
To be open and receptive to anchoring our energies, our information, wisdom, and light technology.
Please question our intention and our purpose, question whether we are coming from love and truth. It is important for you to do this because you will begin to understand and trust in our energy and our purpose, recognising that our purpose is also your purpose and that there is a need for a shift in technology upon the Earth.
Some may believe that technology needs to be erased completely, others may believe that technology is the future. We believe that when technology is born from the soul, from the Creator, it supports humanity, your soul, soul groups, and aids, expands, and empowers ascension in all ways.
It is time for you to claim your power upon the Earth, to claim the light technology that is present, bringing forth remembrance healing and truth. It is time to be open to recognise this and maybe even be a being that brings forth this technology into the consciousness of humanity.
Whether you are bringing it forth through meditation and grounding or through your voice and physical actions we are present to support and love you. We are present to be of service. Our purpose is to aid your ascension, to empower and strengthen you, to be your truth, to be all that you wish to be upon the Earth. We love you deeply and absolutely.
We thank you,
We are the Arcturians
More Arcturians - https://omna.org/archturian-list/
To watch the video of Natalie's channeling, or get a free audio download of her message, click on this link: - https://omna.org/our-mission-by-the-arcturians/?mc_cid=eeec467e38&a...
Infinite Blessings of Christ Love, Enlightenment, Infinity Healing, Violet Flames, & Peace, Joy, & Abundance that are All Divinely Perfect for Each of You in every moment !
Steven Hutchinson
Video - Arcturian Healing & Astral Travel Experience - https://youtu.be/MdtMv0p7Zuw
The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament" or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.
A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...
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