Land Tuning
Molly Sheehan - Green Hope Farm
shared with her blessings!
(Visit her blog for more depth on this subject!)
Find a quiet & comfortable place to center yourself.
Ground yourself and the land you are going to clear.
Ground to the heart of the Earth, and then anchor both yourself and the land to the heart of God.
Ask for assistance from:
"After you invoke this group, ask them to CLEANSE, CLEAR, RE-BALANCE & ILLUMINATE the land you are
"Visualize all negativity being removed from the land both below & above the ground. You can visualize
yourself or an angel holding a sword cutting all the negativity free, perhaps spinning in a circle holding the
sword out; or imagine a big gyroscope whirling & cleansing. The image only needs to work for you. If
visualization isn't possible, it's OK. The land will still be cleansed because you have asked to have it done.
Close the session with a thanks to everyone involved."
It's simple to imagine the borders of a city lot. If your land is more complex, you may want to 'map' your land,
sketching the perimeters & noting important features. (No need for fancy artistry!) A realty sheet or map may
be used.
Molly comments: "This is the bare bones of a process. Over time you will probably develop your own individual
approach. For example, you may get to know the names of the Deva & Angels of the land. You may get shown a
process that will improve on this one. You may get asked to do several pieces of land. Thank you for doing this
In addition to 'Tuning' my own little lot, I clear public land around town, feeling that if it's an area open to the
public, clearing & 'tuning' in balance with the land's highest purpose is a public service!
In 2007, Molly wrote: "Land, like everything else vibrates at a variable rate of speed. These vibrations are a kind of
music. The lower or slower the vibration, the more heavy, dense, and negative the land feels. Land so encumbered
is too burdened to make beautiful music or express its truest self in song. When land is cleared and the vibration is
high, there is a greater likelihood that the land will be free to sing the song of its true self.
"We all know pieces of land that feel just right, places where you just know the land is singing its music freely and
gloriously. Land is really no different than a musical instrument. Just as with a musical instrument, you can bang
out notes on an out of tune instrument and get the drift of the melody, but after a tune up it’s a different musical
experience entirely. The more frequent the tune ups, the better the music.
. . . "You can simplify the process by just asking for help from the divine beings connected to the land.
You do not need to list specific names to get help. Any genuine request for assistance will get assistance. Right now,
the Angels are telling me, “Make this as simple as possible so people actually do this process. We need help." (Do
remember to ask them to cleanse, clear, re-balance & illuminate the land you're clearing!)
- I love this analogy of a 'tune-up!' - right down my alley :)
I do this seasonally, monthly & often weekly or daily. In 2007, commenting on the importance of land tuning for
the health of the bees, Molly says "I have built land clearing into my morning meditation routine so that I do it
each day. This is the only way I can keep myself organized, but if this is not feasible for you, it is truly better to do it
whenever you remember than never at all." (OK! I'm making a commitment to strive for daily as well!)
-- During intense weather, I 'tune' my lot & surroundings frequently, inviting the greatest balance with the
least damage, serving the highest good for the area. About 10 years ago, Molly recounted a tornado going
around her land, after she'd been 'asked' (by her guides) to do the process daily for a time! Unless given other
means of releasing energetic toxicity, the Earth's recourse is often weather. With this process, we can assist
Nature in less intense clearing.
Consider doing this process daily if there is a lot of crime in your area, accidents, or other human tragedies. I
suggest printing or writing out a copy when you first begin, so you can easily incorporate it into your
routine. (You have permission to copy & print for your own use this process - or to suggest it on your site or in
your blog! Please provide links & do cite Molly! Thanks!)
We can also 'tune' our homes - here's a process combining teachings of lightworker Amorah Quan Yin, & a
clearing shared in one of my Reiki Trainings:
* Put a grounding cord on your home (imagine the 'footprint' of your home, now imagine a cord or tube
reaching down into the heart center of the earth, & connecting with it)
* Visualize a rose-gold sun in the center of your home - let its light fill every corner! Allow this sun to continue
expanding, till it surrounds your home.
* As the sun reaches the outside of your home or space, begin the 'Tune-up' process by invoking the devas,
elementals & guides to Cleanse, Clear, Re-balance & Illuminate your home & grounds.
* Ask that any negativity move through a clearing grid, so the energy can be used as compost, burned in the
sun, or 'return to sender.'
* Surround the cleared land with a violet bubble, a gold pyramid, Dolphin Star Temple, or a rose hedge
(whichever image feels right to you - or one of your own!) - I imagine my lot surrounded by a briar rose hedge,
with lavender portals of entry in arches, which clear the energy of those entering or leaving the property.
Physical shields include white yarrow, lavender, rosemary, a crab apple & rose along the front border.
* Thank your guides & go on with your day.
Hi TGS. This formular is so beautiful and really has lifted some of the heaviness in only a few days !! Still a long way to go though, but, I wont give up.
Much love
Good to hear! :)
Silent Silver Moon Owl said:
Hi TGS. This formular is so beautiful and really has lifted some of the heaviness in only a few days !! Still a long way to go though, but, I wont give up.
Much love
The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament" or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.
A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...
Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.
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